
avatar of @shortsegments
2 min read

I read a very good post by @imno and it has given me some ideas which are sort of community building ideas... they inter play a bit with revamping leopedia possibly..

I use to have several posts after my post, explaining what Leofinance was, what Hive was, and how to sign up for Hive and leofinance using videos from Leopedia.

I think I removed them because one comment said my footer was old and tired.

I should have just refreshed it, instead I deleted it.

I it is just the starting point to get people here.

But it is a golden opportunity once people get here, to tell them more, and try to get them to sign up for free, then take the whole blogging social media thing for a test drive.

These some ideas:

  • We should have footers or banners which link to posts which tell them more about Leofinance,
  • those ;eofinance articles could have banners to tell them more about hive,
  • And those articles could have banners to Sign Up Now for Free


  • I think I could signout of leofinance and copy the URL of the signup for Leofinance for new people, plus the new logo graphic you recently released on about blogging and earning on Leofinance is nice,
  • this could become a footer for posts of mine and possibly others here on Leofinance cold use that footer.
  • Thats where I will start and maybe you would have suggestions?
  • I would also like to do a community building exercise, but a contest to see who has the best footer, which links to articles about how leofinance works and how to make money blogging and building a network,
  • And then links to the sign up url for instant signup, a
  • Its the bear market, a good time to build things and build the community.

What do you think?.

:-) @shortsegments

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