
Daily Focus - Splinterlands

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5 min read


The Fire Splinter in Splinterlands can be a very potent team of monsters, especially now that they've been given much more magic-defensive additions in the latest editions.

I was able to complete enough of the focus to get 5 chests, which is less than last time but not bad.

Luckily enough, I was able to get 100 Dark Energy Crystals from this focus, one legendary potion, an epic Fire Splinter card in Lava Launcher with the Short-Range ability, and an amazing new Legendary card Life Splinter card in Jared Scar who has the Bloodlust ability.

Jared Scar looks like a mercenary hippo-relative of Life Splinter's magical range-boosting General Sloan. They're a slow, heavy melee monster with the initial Bloodlust ability which would make them deadly in the Reverse Speed, Melee Only, and Attack From Anywhere rulesets. Bloodlust increases a monster's stats every time it kills an enemy monster.

Funnily enough, despite their low speed, Jared Scar gets True Strike at Level 2 so he can't miss and Piercing at Level 3 which means his attack can potentially go through enemy armor.

For some reason, other than the melee attack increase from 6 to 7, he gets no new abilities. An Intimidate or Thorns

Here is their full picture from their lore page and below is their bio/lore. The new Chaos Legion monsters have extremely long bios that include snippets from their lives or something like that.

Jared Scar was born three hundred years ago, in a small town in Praetoria. His mother was a wealthy Ulund and lived a lavish lifestyle, coveting things that either others couldn’t afford or that shouldn’t be possessed. Her reckless life led to a number of encounters with undesirable characters, like Jared’s father. She had no idea he was a vampire when they spent that night together. She never heard from him again after that night, and then eight months later she gave birth to Jared.

Horrified to find herself with a child that was clearly different from the others, she quickly set about getting rid of him to preserve her reputation within the town. Paying a passing merchant to dispose of the “awful mistake”, she freed herself from the shame that would have befallen her name. However, the merchant couldn’t bring himself to destroy the baby, instead leaving it on the doorstep of his favorite arena in Ulundin. That was where Scar discovered Jared, wailing in a basket and so hungry he could milk a cow dry. Scar took Jared to his home in Ulundin city where the child quickly settled and grew to enjoy a fair life.

Scar was the owner of the Scarred Hand, a small band of novice battle mages, who he used to battle in local arena tournaments. When they weren’t fighting for him, they were rented to other Arena Masters. Scar made a paltry living from it, but as Jared grew older, he helped his adoptive father, showing a remarkable talent for the business. Also, his immense size and strength deterred most of the usual underhand tactics employed by rival Arena Masters.

What Jared could never understand though, were the differences between him and the other Ulund. When folk remarked upon the vicious fangs that lined his mouth, he would tell them how he had filed his tusks to look more imposing. And by the time people realized that he never seemed to age, they were too old and infirm for others to pay heed to their ramblings.

Jared was relatively young when Scar passed away. He was left an ornate chest by his guardian, and when he opened it, he found three items inside that were to change his life forever. A handful of scrolls that carried the title deed to a small arena within the city and ownership rights to the battle mages on their payroll; an iron studded club made from Snakewood, the hardest and most expensive wood in all Praetoria; and a single gold token with a magnificent arena engraved upon its face. Jared pledged that day he would honor his father’s dream and become the greatest Arena Master in all the land. And so began his monopoly on the famous arena games and the impressive buildings they were fought in. “Each and every one of you must prove yourselves,” Jared pointed his iron-studded club at the battle mages lined before him. “You may have worked for my father, but there’s no free rides anymore. I need to see victories. I want to see champions standing before me.”

“But boss,” a young battle mage spoke up. “There’s too many of them, too many older casters, they’re far more powerful than us. What would you have us do?”

“I expect you to win,” Jared thumped the club into his open hand. “Don’t you worry about those old mages, I’m about to flip the arenas on their heads. When I’m through with them, the other Arena Masters won’t know where to turn. All that ancient knowledge will count for nothing, not when the new format is run out. You’ll have them eating out of your hands.”

“You really think it’s going to work, boss?” an older woman asked, unable to take her eyes from the club that continued to slap Jared’s open palm.

“Of course it will work,” Jared scoffed. “While all these idiots waste their time fighting against the Chaos Legion, we’re going to take the Chaos scum and use them to fight for us…where it matters, in the arenas, where the winners don’t just get glory, they get gold as well. And lots of it.”

“What if they won’t let you introduce new rules?” a small pixie squeaked as she hovered before him.

“Won’t let me!” roared Jared, his vast bulk quivering from the outburst, and sending the poor pixie careening into the rafters. “They don’t have any option; I own the arenas. And those I don’t, I own the Arena Masters that run them. You lot just worry about winning, and leave the rest to me.”

Image Sources: Splinterlands website, GIPHY website, and thanks to @saviib for the awesome @shortshots logo below.

(@shortsegments, @saviib, and I started a guild -- The Black Bulls! Check us out on Splinterlands!)