
Bitcoin gets pounded…Silver Porn Saturday new arrival…

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2 min read

Afternoon everyone…

Well I woke up this morning to a whole bunch of alerts on my phone. Why? Because I have several apps that send me alerts when Bitcoin drops, a few for alerts on tokens that I hold.

So when I first checked Coinmarketcap this morning. Bitcoin was at just over 47K. Some of my other coins were down as much as 22%.

Most people who are new to investments are probably freaking out. Not me, I’m in this for the long haul. So I see this as a buying opportunity. Just hope that I can muster up some dry powder to make that happen.

Crypto is in a tailspin…..

So I say BUY BUY BUY…..

I’m no finacial advisor, nor am I giving advice. I’m just stating my opinion.

On a different note….

My mailman arrived early today. Guess what he brought me? For those of you that have been following my posts. Several days ago, I posted a bar that I’ve been eyeing up for a while now.


I pulled the trigger and bought it. For those of you that haven’t been following along. It’s a Wall Street Mint bar which is actually produced by the Scottsdale Mint. Exactly when Scottsdale acquired them I’m not sure, but the Scottsdale Mint is top notch in every way.

This is a ten ounce cast silver bar, and now it’s mine.

Have a look at it….

Ten ounce bars are my favorite to stack. It’s a great weight, easily stacks for storage, no capsule needed, easy to sell when needed, and it’s silver. Enough said…..

Premiums still suck, but with the spot price dropping like a rock, I thought it was a reasonable purchase.

Got crypto????

Got Gold ????

Git Silver ???