

avatar of @snook
6 min read

An interesting topic came up at a place I was in tonight and that topic was 'comments'.

Let's get one thing straight, I'm not talking about spamming comments. Let's leave that out of the rest of this post.

In my Steemit time, I have always been careful about what kind of comments I leave and on who's page. Let me explain.

I have Fibromyalgia, this means, as some of you know, that on some days my brain works on all its circuits but those days are very far and few between. I'm now very lucky if once a month I get one of those days.

Most times my brain runs at about 50% of its full power. Another way of putting it is, most words I want, will be found floating in my head and make their way out of my mouth into a talking conversation.

This means if I'm careful through the day I can come across to others, when trying to make a point, in a semi-intelligent way.

I will also have days where 30% brain power is tops! and I'm still okay with that, not happy but okay. On those days I tend to be quieter and manly talk to close friends as they understand a bit more what I'm going through daily and can, because they like me, muddle through my typing.

On the 30% days, speaking, if someone wants me to answer a question, is easier for me to do. This can be hard for the person listening to me. I try and make myself clear on what I'm saying but I forget lot's of words and my thoughts tend to go around in circles while speaking with only 30% brain power.

Then comes the Brain Dead days, a day like today was for me. I stayed in bed most of the day as it was that bad of a day.

The world moved on.

I had a chore to do today. It was something important. It was a new thing. A baby thing that had a lot of help to make it grow so I didn't want to let down the people that had made it all happen.

Because of that new baby, two people got on voice together and between the two of them finishing each other's sentences, from knowing each other for years, spent two-plus hours making things right with the world.

This too takes energy and brain power to achieve so by the end both of us were exhausted but the work wasn't done yet to make it right with all who had taken the baby and helped it able to take its first steps.

I went to Pimp Your Post Thursday or PYPT as it's called around the water cooler, to do just what the name implies.

I added my icon into the chat and waited my turn to pimp the post we had just finished making. To the surprise of some, I was pretty quiet while waiting for my turn.

One of the things I like about PYPT is that it's an open forum. If you a have a question and want to ask it on the voice channel you can.

I usually have more then one question or sometimes I'm just me being me and having a little fun if the timing is right for that kind of thing.

Today I didn't have a lot left in me to expend any more energy until it was my time to talk about the newest post @simgirl and I did for the Bad Karaoke Contest that starts again today.

Here I will say that over the last month? I have been stopping by PYPT for a few reasons. The first is you get to see great posts by people you don't know. Posts about all kinds of stuff you normally wouldn't see.

It's neat because you get to hear the writers story about what that post really means to them and why they spent the time to write it so you do get inside information on a post which in turn makes you slow down and really read it.

For whatever reason @shadowspub makes people want to only show their A+ posts, you know the ones, the posts you make, then done, look at and get a huge smile on your face because you like how well it turned out. Yeah, those kinds of posts.

When I first showed up to PYPT poor @shadowspub had no idea who I was but was classy enough to give me the benefit of the doubt about my sometimes odd ways. For that, I will always hold her in high regard.

I would encourage anyone to stop in and try out PYPT because it's not just me she gave a chance to. She treats everyone with the same respect as far as I have ever seen.

My turn came and........Yup........I tried, really hard, but the more I talked the worse I got with not remembering any words at all. Okay, I remembered some words but not the right words in the right order and I might have said something about PMS but I'm not sure.

Lucky for me some of the other people in there did at least know who I was and tried really hard to help and there was a lot of laughter had by all including me!! By the end, it was just too funny not to laugh at how silly it had all became me just trying to Pimp my Post!

Now I have never talked to @shadowspub personally and I only know her through the PYPT that she runs but while she knows I'm not shy she also has picked up that sometimes I can get words out all straight and proper like and other times, like tonight, I just can not. To me, it shows me just how kind she really is.

No, not sucking up. Sharing how I feel about a person that does a ton for the Steemit community and is very busy doing whatever it is Canadians do with their time when not running a radio show.....Insert really funny USA / Canadian joke that you know, here!

The fact that she took the time to get to know me just by being in her radio show says a lot of great things about her as a person, and me being me, thinks that sometimes even if you know someone is great and everyone else thinks this too, it's still a nice thing to let them know how you feel.

Now, what does all this have to do with comments? Well, I'll tell you!

As you can see by my above story about brain power and speaking the same holds true for making comments. Somedays I can write more then you ever want to read in a comment on one of your posts and other days, even if I want to, really, really want to, I can not come up with three words to write. Brain Power.

There are people that have all kinds of rules on what they think a good comment can and should be but I'm here to say that some people just want to leave a nice comment to something they read to let a person know their post was liked and they don't have 500 extra words to spend on one comment.

This doesn't mean a person is stupid or lazy or not evolved enough in the world and worldly thoughts. What it does mean is when a person says they can't. It's as simple as that. Can't. Can Not.

All I'm asking people is to maybe try to understand that writing a post can take a person 2 days off and on. Comments, even short ones do have meaning if you look at them in the way they were given to you and not in a way that you expect to have them given to you.

Now I will take my soapbox and tuck it under my bed and go to sleep. Thank you all for being who you are to me!! In this regard I am a very lucky person to be surrounded by so many true open-minded friends and people.

Last, just because, never judge a person that you do not know based on what you expect to see. If you do then you will only see what you expect and not the real person before you.
