
Almost Got Them All! - Week 2 - #MyHiveGoals

avatar of @steemstreems
4 min read

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

On to my third post for #myhivegoals! I am going to try and make these more concise (both for you and myself) weeks go by. Here goes.

Week 2 Results

Week 2 Discussion

For the most part this was a great week! I completed all of my goals except one!

This is not a big shock as I did not make them overly aggressive this time. All of them met and several greatly exceeded.

Except...the posting. I knew the posting goal was going to be tough, because it is my least favorite thing to do.

Week 3 Goals

Here is the chart where I plan my goals for Week 3. This is a tough one for me. Do I apply the brakes or push on the gas?

Disregard the last two columns completely since they will not be accurate until I fill in the End Total at the end of this week.

Week 3 Goal Discussion



Last week I got 80 comments which I think is near my practical maximum at the moment, so this week I will push a little bit and go for 85 comments.


Last week I gave 187 upvotes which I also think is near my practical maximum, so this week I will push a little bit and go for 200 upvotes.


Last week I only got 33% of my goal of 3 posts. I think I can do that, so I am going to leave that goal at 3 posts for the week.


Last week I achieved my goals for both liquid HIVE and HIVE in savings. This week I am going to combine these categories into a single category and set the goal for -3.221 (essentially draining my liquid HIVE). I would like to concentrate on other goals for a while.


Last week I *greatly exceeded my goal of 2 HIVE power added. I don't want to focus much on increasing HIVE POWER just yet, but do want to increase my goal. I will set the goal for this week at 3 HIVE POWER added.


Last week I achieved my goals for both liquid HBD and HBD in savings. This week I am going to combine these categories into a single category and set the goal for 0. I would like to concentrate on other goals for a while.



Last week I *greatly exceeded my goal of 1 liquid LEO added. I don't want to focus much on increasing liquid LEO right now. I will set the goal for this week at -35.34 (essentially draining my liquid LEO).


Last week I easily met my goal of 250 LEO POWER added. This week I am going to push my comfort level and go for 350 LEO POWER added.


Last week I easily met my goal of 0.1 LEOM. This week I am going to set my goal to 2 LEOM, because it is cheap ;-) Shhhhhh...please don't spread the word.


Last week I met my goal of 0.1 LEOMM. This week I am going to set my goal at 0, Since I feel that the price is too high.



Last week I met my goal of 5 liquid CTP added. This week I am going to make my goal -9.714 since I would like to focus on increasing CTP POWER.


Last week I greatly exceeded my goal of 5 for CTP POWER. This week I will increase my goal to 30.


Last week I met my goal of 0.1 for CTPM. This week I will increase my goal to 2 CTPM.


Last week I met my goal of 0.1 for CTPSB. This week I am going to set my goal back to 0 to focus on CTP POWER and CTPM.



Last week I met my goal of 2 liquid STEM added. This week I will make my goal -3.56144600 to focus on STEM POWER.


Last week I met my goal of 10 STEM POWER added. This week I will increase my goal to 15.


Last week I met my goal of 0.1 STEMM. This week I will leave the goal at 0.1 STEMM.


Last week I met the goal of 30000 LVL added. This week I will set the goal to 0 temporarily to focus elsewhere.

Touch Typing

Not directly related to Hive, but integral none the less. One of the greatest regrets of my life is that I never learned to type. It really makes posting, blogging, commenting, etc. very difficult. I will set a goal of 105 minutes of training in touch typing for the week.

Ha!! I realize now that I was not exactly concise. Oh well another goal for next week. If you actually read this, thank you for your time :-)

Any advice is appreciated.