
Government Jobs Are Overrated || And Why I Don't Depend On Them

avatar of @tanjakolader
2 min read

All of us have a reason and goal(s) being (active) here on Hive, otherwise you wouldn't be here I presume. Some of those are very personal reasons, whereas others are a collective. Some came/come on board, searching for other options that maybe aren't readily available in their own locality, while others are here to get better at what they're already doing.

For me there are different reasons. When I had first gotten introduced to this blockchain, I didn't know what it entails and so I was here to learn. Still learning everyday by the way. One of the many other reasons is to do something outside of the "status quo" and that is not working a government job. Approximately 40% of the working class (those who are able to work) in Suriname has a government position, which puts pressure on the states finances.

There are many benefits to opt for government jobs, like the certainty of having a paycheck every end of the month, health insurance and other secondary benefits, the option to go abroad for work and/or for (further) education and have a permanent employment status (tenure). But if there's something that I've learned in the years being on this earth, is that nothing is certain or permanent. The same with having a civil position. It could all be taken away, even before your seat has gotten an indent.

And I'm not saying that being on Hive is giving me more certainty then that civil position, but I've also learned to not wait on the government to get things done or to reach certain goals. A good efficient functioning government is there to facilitate and not so much to solve all of our problems. I want to be a part of the solution and blockchain technology as a tool of the future could help in so many ways. Not to mention, for instance how Hive is enabling those a way to earn a living, who have no other means of income, be it their status in a different country or the socio-economic status in the country they're living in.

*Like always, I could again go on and on about what is going through my head about certain topics, but now I would like to ask you what your opinion is on this topic. Let me know in the comments below ๐Ÿค“.

*Chasse into the backstage! ๐Ÿ’ƒ

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