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2 min read

Automation has greatly made impacts on our homes and industries, as it makes work to be done effortlessly and stressless. It has become very important in our present world and is been globally adopted and utilized as it helps to complete tasks with lesser human efforts or interventions in a very smarter way.

Today their a various home and industrial appliances that are been remotely monitored and controlled through IoT, Wireless Communications and other smart technologies their by leaving the conventional switch methods. It is a fact that many people now possesses one or more a smartphones and its use has become very important part of our daily lives. With our smartphones home appliances can now be monitored and controlled with just a click, speech or text messages. With the help of micro-controllers like the Arduino and communication devices such as bluetooth home appliances can be remotely and wirelessly controlled.

In this project, Arduino is used as the micro-controller which serves as the brain of the device, responsible to passing programmed instructions to other components and modules connected to it. The HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a communication device in the project which enable a smartphone to connect or interface with the device wirelessly. Relay an electromechanical and electromagnetic switch which used a small current applied to it to control appliances with larger current is used as the switching components in the device. The mobile application installed on the smartphone for easy control of appliances is been developed using MIT App Inventory Platform. While the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen help to display relevant information and enhances human interaction with the device.

The project is developed to make switching of home appliances easier, faster and smarter and also to help the paralyzed or handicaped who find it difficult to move on their own able to control home appliances easily.

Hardware Components Includes:

  1. Arduino
  2. HC-05 Bluetooth Module
  3. LCD 16x2 Display Screen
  4. Relay
  5. Lithium Rechargeable Battery
  6. Diode
  7. BC547 Transistor
  8. 7805 Voltage Regulator
  9. Control Switch
  10. Socket Outlets
  11. AC Bulbs
  12. Terminal Connector

Software Components Includes:

  1. Arduino IDE
  2. Embedded C/C++
  3. MIT App

Circuit Diagram:


Posted with STEMGeeks