
Cryptocurrency Mass Adoptions Speeding Up Amidst Bear Market.

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2 min read

In the last couple months, we've seen so many firm/ companies and even countries join the crypto train and the latest on that list is the Swiss Luxury brand, Hublot which just announced that they'll be accepting cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. With the current situation of the crypto market and global economy, one would expect a drastic decline in cryptocurrencies adoption and recognition but the reality is that cryptocurrencies are now more popular than they've ever been and many renowned companies and countries have understood how important it is to be involved with the industry especially since a significant amount of the customers, consumers and citizens which ever the case may be are largely involved with cryptos.

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Yeah, there are some crypto antagonists but they're actually quite low and have very little effect on the rate of adoptions of cryptos right now. I believe people are also willing to take the risks and just don't wanna stick to hearsays. Looking back in time, there were lots of rumours and hearsays when the internet was launched and quite alot of people missed out on the opportunity to be early users of the internet. Many wished if only they had been involved and keyed into the opportunity at the early stage, they'd probably be multi millionaires by now, so most people really don't wanna risk it with cryptos even with the news of " a crashing crypto market".

In my previous post, I mentioned about how my retired dad also got to know about Bitcoin and even though the route wasn't a cool one, he knows about the existence of cryptos now and he seems to be really interested in this new form of money and investment. He's almost 70 but when comparing the population of the world to those involved with cryptos and with the current rate of adoption, this is still some what early and with proper guidance from those already into cryptos, he should do pretty well. With the current price of most crypto and the developments going on in this space, it is a pretty good time to join the crypto train.

Generally, this is the best time to get involved with cryptos since the bull market is a time to take profits and not the very best time to invest. I really can't predict the prices of most cryptos in the next bull run but with the current rate of adoption and popularity of cryptos, all that comes to my mind is a wild, outrageous and crazy market performance and I can't wait to experience that.