
Metamask: The idea app to store your cryptocurrency asset and to interact with decentralized application

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7 min read

Good day pals, they are different things that spice me up when it comes to cryptocurrency. Once you are into cryptocurrency there is this love that will keep pushing you to the extent that you can't even give up. Despite the loss, the love for the chain has grown so strong to the extent that we can't do other wise. Just like what I was hinting above, cryptocurrency has different benefit, it is now left for we to keep holding till we get to the end of the tunnel where there is usually light.

Drawing our attention to back in the days we all knows how when it comes to cryptocurrency we are just limited to just Bitcoin before it got to the era where different project started surfacing. Since there is rise in different project, the need to have a more easy cryptocurrency access came into being. It is with this important need that the birth of Matamask wallet came into existence. Before I mention about Metamask wallet they are other cryptocurrency wallet which are in existence like Trust wallet, Token pocket wallet, Safe pal wallet, Tron wallet, Iopay wallet etc. All these wallet are also vital to the primary purpose of cryptocurrency which is to enable coins of any chain to be stored in their wallet.

In respect to the above, for some coins/tokens which are found in other blockchain like the Binance Smart Chain, Idchain, Xdai, Polygon, Fantom Opera etc to be accessed through such wallet you will have to make sure that it is added through some configuration settings.

What is Metamask wallet

MetaMask is a software cryptocurrency wallet which is used to store and interact with different blockchain like the Ethereum blockchain, Xdai blockchain, Fantom Opera, Polygon etc. It allows users to access their wallet through a browser extension or mobile app which can then be used to interact with decentralized applications. Metamask started with just the Ethereum blockchain before it later move it support to other blockchain. From the look of things it has proven to be one of the best wallet so far if you are to compare it with other wallet application. Almost all my transactions are now carried out with the Metamask app wallet except otherwise. Another interesting thing about the app is that there is an in built browser in it which you can use to visit any site and carry out your activities.


How to use Metamask

You can get access through the mobile app or through the web app if you want to make use of the Metamask wallet. For the benefit of the topic I will be making use of the mobile app. To get the mobile app you have to download it through Google playstore, you can find the link below

link to download Metamask wallet through Playstore

After you must have downloaded it, the next thing to do is to open the app and either sign up new account or import a new account. You can import if you already have an Ethereum wallet but if you did not have you have to create new one. For the benefit of this post let go with creating new account. Mind you, since you created new account you have to make sure that you write down your phrase somewhere important. The essence of backing up your keys is that if you lost your account, with your keys you can easily use it to recover your account.

No matter the circumstances, make sure that you back up your keys or else you won't be able to recover your account once you lost it. Treat this very important, one day it might be needed.

After creating new account what you need to do is to log in and you will see numerous options which include sending, receiving, buy, nft, adding other coins through contract address, browser, transaction history, settings, get help, share my public address, view on Etherscan, request a feature and log out. All these features have their roles which I will be explaining but truth be told Metamask has so many settings which it is only when you use it that you can have wider knowledge of it.

The different functions of the features listed above
  1. Sending: The sending function is very easy, you only need this if you want to send your tokens out. All you have to do is to click on it, input the wallet you want to send to, the amount and click send. That is all you need, it is as simple as that.

  1. Receive: This is to receive token to your wallet. What you need to do here is to click on the receive, then you will be issued a receiving address, send this address to the person who wants to send you the coin. It is now left for the person to click on send and do the needful. Once the person send the fund after it has confirmed on the blockchain you will receive it in your wallet.

  1. Contract address: Take for instant you are searching for a coin and you can't find it, but the coin is already sent to your wallet and it is displaying as received fund when you check through your Etherscan, all you have to do is to click on the contract address function and search for the coin through the contract address. Once you do this you will be able to see the coin and add it to your wallet properly. Once you do this you will see the coin in your wallet and sometimes the price will display too.

Searching for contract address is very easy. Once a coin is send to you and you can't see it displaying in your wallet, all you have to do is to search for the coin through Etherscan and once you see's it, click on it and you will see the contract address, copy it and paste it on the custom token spot after you must have clicked add token, after this all the other information will display. Add it and the coin will display on your wallet. It is as simple as that.

  1. Buy: With this option you can easily purchase your token by using your debit/credit card. There is nothing hard here, just follow the prompt instructions.

  1. Swap: This feature is used to swap from one token to the other. All you have to do is follow the instructions by selecting the coin you want to swap from and to.

  1. NFT: This is called Non Fungible token. Once any Non Fungible token is sent to you, you will be able to see it under this medium. All you have to do is to click on it and you will see it displaying under this medium.

  1. Browser: With this function you can use it to browser through any website. It is created primarily for you to be able to get across blockchain website. Imagine you want to swap a coin, all you have to do is to get the link, go to browser and paste it. It will open and through such medium you can now swap your coin and after successfully swapped you will see the amount in your wallet.

  1. Wallet: It is the simplest feature you can ever see on the Metamask app. Once you clicked on it, it will display your wallet balance. It is so easy, nothing special about it.

  2. Transactions: Once you click on this menu you will see all the transactions you have made so far.

  1. Share my public address: This feature is enable so that you can easily share your public address through Whatapp and other mediums to your friends.

  2. Settings: This is the main feature of Matamask app. It has the general settings, security and privacy, advance, network, experimental and about Metamask.

i. General Settings: It has it sub menu. Once you click on it, it will take you to the sub menu where you will see search engine, currency conversion, language settings etc.

ii. Security and privacy: These feature allows you to see your password, seed phrase, Auto lock, Sign in Biometrics, private key, and lots more.

iii. Advance: This feature allows you to Reset account, choose IPFS gateway, show Hex data etc.

iv. Network: This is my favourite out of all the features. Through this medium you can add other blockchain to your Metamask. Take for instant you want to add Binance smart chain wallet, Fantom Opera, Idchain, Idex wallet etc to your Metamask wallet so that you can easily access it, you can do do that through this medium. All you have to do is to make sure that when you click on add Network, get their configuration settings ready and input it into the necessary space. Click done once you are done with imputing the configuration settings. It will add up immediately. After doing that, you will be able to access other blockchain aside Ethereum blockchain through this medium.

v. Experimental: With this feature you can view the wallet connect session with ease.

vi. About Metamask: This feature allows you to know more about Metamask.

vii. Contact: You can add contact through this medium.

viii. Log out: As the name implies it is simply use to log your account out.

ix. Get help: With this medium you can easily contact support if you need any help.


Metamask have proven to be one of the best wallet so far, it has grown from what it used to be to one of the best blockchain app that you can use to interact with other blockchain and also the wallet where more blockchain tokens can be owned. I will end the post here, I hope with this little information you are able to understand fully what Metamask wallet is, and I hope with this information you can easily make use of this application. Thanks

            signed out  


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