
Power Up Hive

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3 min read

What makes Hive so unique is its remarkable token distribution. We are all over the world; every single culture you can imagine is on Hive. The key to this distribution success is giving away tokens. That sounds counterintuitive, but when I listen to people who used to get large quantities of bitcoin for free from faucets, some of those people went on to be some of the most influential people on Bitcoin.

Getting one's foot in the door, giving someone skin in the game, even just a little. They take notice. Oh, Hive was up today; I think I earned like 20 bucks worth for free awhile back; let me check on that.

Planting seeds worldwide, getting people who care about this chain skin in the game is what this is all about. I've powered up a lot of Hive since we made the switch, and I plan to power up more. I feel at these prices, if this experiment succeeds, we can plant some fantastic seeds. It's not the number of hodlers you have but the quality of the hodler. Bitcoin has quality hodlers; some of these people, you'd have to pry the bitcoin out of their hands to get them to part with it. I feel we have the same on Hive.

The hodlers of last resort here get it. They get the mission. They see the path as clear as day. Hive is impressive; it does things other blockchains can't do. Delegated proof of stake (DPOS) isn't some magical thing, as I said about blockchain. Blockchain consists of distributed databases, and if one database gets corrupt, the rest do not. It creates decentralization for digital networks in the same way the wheel provides stability for a moving car. Sure, there might be other solutions there, but good luck reinventing the wheel. I look at DPOS in a very similar manner; this isn't rocket science.

To run high-speed apps on a blockchain, you need fewer, more highly powered nodes. That isn't something you can replace, and it's fundamental. Sure, several different paths create Rube Goldberg machines to get to this smaller set of supernodes, but stake weighted voting IS the wheel in this case. You will never replace stake weighted voting. It's how humans have run companies since there were companies. Stake weighted voting is a fundamental key to any business and now digitized in a decentralized way via tokens.

DPOS blockchains are akin to brick and mortar, and replacing them won't happen anytime soon. In the open-source, decentralized era, developers will build on something already there and permissionless to build on. There is no reason to recreate decentralization because there is no incentive to if an already capable network exists; this is the black hole effect decentralized blockchains create.

When people wake up and realize most apps on web 3 will run on DPOS (or DPOS like systems, aka Rube Goldberg machines), they'll conclude that Hive is one of if not the only one that did it right.

You can't have a premine with DPOS. You can't have an ICO with DPOS. You can't have a centralizing pool of tokens on DPOS. It's pretty much that simple. When you take a step back and look at what's out there in crypto through those lenses, you begin to see how extraordinary indeed Hive is.

High-level investors have those glasses. They are going to start wearing them sooner rather than later.

The ability to store whatever text you want, immutably. The ability to own your account and login to a variety of sites that syncs with your account. Hive is a highly efficient, immutable database in cyberspace that preserves your words like transcribing them on the side of a mountain—edged in stone. It IS the killer use-case.

I'm seeing a lot of lightbulbs flickering in a lot of high-level heads around the world. The light will flip on, and Hive will be the elephant in the room.