
DeFi Aave Dream Lending: DeFiで利子20%

avatar of @tomoyan
1 min read

When I saw this about 2 weeks ago I had to do it! source

20% interest on a crypto deposit was 🤩 and it was working pretty well at first! But then dropped dead few days ago 😫

30 days avg still looks okay but it was because of the high interest few weeks ago and it seems like it will stay the same for a while...

But I did anyway so I made this tutorial. Aave is a Defi app, Open Source and Non-Custodial protocol to earn interest on deposits & borrow assets.

"Access" to go to the app page. source

sUSD was 17% when I took this screenshot. source

Connect your wallet and click on "sUSD" then you can deposit your sUSD.

Pick how much you like to deposite and "Continue"

Check your transaction info and "Submit"

"Confirm" this transaction on your wallet and done.

You just need to hodl and let it do its thing.

Interest rate changes and if you don't want to hodl any more, you can withdraw anytime.

If you don't have sUSD or want to swap ETH Tokens,

Tomoyan Swap 😁

DeFiのアプリをつかっていろいろなトークンをレンディングして利子が貰えるサービスが沢山あります。 利子は定額ではないので常に変化しますが、いい時だと20%とか50%とかになることもときどきあります。 大抵の場合、期間のロックインはないので、いつでも出し入れ可能です。 利子がいいトークンを見つけてはお金をいれて、低くなったら取り出して、また違うところにいれたりしてコロコロ転がして利子稼ぎ。

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