
Day 17- Perfect world? [ENG-ESP]

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4 min read

Photo taken by Stokpic in [Pixabay]( Edited in Adobe Illustrator.


Blogging Challenge - Part 02 - Day 17

What would be the perfect world be like?

For me, the perfect world would be one where we are all aware of the environment, that everycountry, teach childrens that taking care of nature is more important than going out to party, having money or getting a good job. Many times we forget that before we got here, there was life and ecosystems, and we have become a plague that only destroys what it finds. We should be the protectors of the creations.

Besides this it would be great if people forget to judge others, and realize that nothing is solved by getting angry, or fighting. Feelings such as hate, anger and resentment are not productive, they just make you lose a lot of time and effort. We all have a past, but it doesn't define who we are or how we act.

So far, all i have said is that education is what we need, and yes, i have always said that what we lack most is education in all its facets and we are focusing so wrong everything we teach.

It would be good to live in a world full of peace and harmony, without needing many luxuries or a great economic development, because at the end of the day, everything that requires money tends to cause conflicts and disputes. Each country is rich in its own matter, and they should be able to turn it into what is necessary.

And last but not least, a world without stereotypes of what a man or a woman should or should not do. Everyone should feel free to do what they want with their body and their life, of course, without harming anyone.

And for you, what would the perfect world be like? This is all for now. Thank you very much for joining me in this little corner of tripode, i hope you have a wonderful day, i hope to see you again soon... and remember, good vibes always.


Blogging Challenge - Part 02 - Day 17

¿Cómo sería el mundo perfecto?

Para mi el mundo perfecto sería uno donde todos tengamos conciencia con el medio ambiente, que en todas partes se les enseñe a los niños que cuidar la naturaleza es más importante que salir de fiesta o conseguir un buen trabajo. Muchas veces se nos olvida que antes de nosotros llegar aquí, había vida y ecosistemas, y nos hemos convertido en una plaga que solo destruye lo que encuentra.

Además de esto sería excelente que la gente se olvidara de juzgar a los demás, y se diera cuenta que nada se resuelve enojándose, o peliando. Sentimientos como el odio, la ira y el rencor no son productivos. Todos tenemos un pasado, pero este no define quienes somos ni como actuamos.

Hasta ahora todo lo que he comentado recae en la educación, y si, siempre he dicho que lo que más nos falta es educación en todos sus facetas.

Sería bueno vivir en un mundo lleno de paz y armonía, sin necesitar muchos lujos ni un gran desarrollo económico, porque a fin de cuentas, todo lo que amerita dinero de por medio, tiende a ocasionar conflictos y disputas. Cada país es rico en su propia materia, y deben ser capaces de convertirla en lo que sea necesario.

Y por ultimo, pero no menos importante, un mundo sin estereotipos de lo que debe o no debe hacer un hombre o una mujer. Cada quien se debe sentir libre de hacer lo que quiera tanto con tu cuerpo como con su vida, claro, sin hacerle daño a nadie.

Y para tí ¿Cómo sería el mundo perfecto? Esto es todo por ahora. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en este pequeño rincón de tripode, espero que pases un maravilloso día, ojalá te vuelva a ver pronto... y recuerda, buenas vibras siempre.

This is my entry for the 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 02, created by @macchiata. If you want to participate just enter our Discord server SMILE. And start writing with the #bloggingchallenge, I'll leave you the introductory post so you can get to know the community.

Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Days Blogging Challenge - PART 02, creado por @macchiata. Si quieres participar solo entra a nuestro servidor de Discord SMILE. Y comienza a escribir con el #bloggingchallenge, te dejo el post introductorio para que conozcas la comunidad.

Created with Adobe Illustrator.

Click on the banner to get redirect to the SMILE server. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Click on the banner to get redirect to the community. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Past links of the challenge:

Day 01: Word successful
Day 02: Best investment
Day 03: Worst advice
Day 04: Good people
Day 05: Best advice
Day 06: Desert Island Day 07: DMy diet
Day 08: Crazy believes
Day 09: My billboard
Day 10: Prediction time
Day 11: Manage time
Day 12: What is love? Day 13: What is hate? Day 14 y 15: Lenguages Day 16: Ideal place

Created with Adobe Illustrator

And following the initiative of @wesphilbin from #thoughtfuldailypost providing content that tries to be reflective, positive and shares the love of true commitment and healing.

Y siguiendo la iniciativa de @wesphilbin de #thoughtfuldailypost proporcionando contenido que trate de ser reflexivo, positivo y que comparta el amor al compromiso y la curación.

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All the illustrations are created by me with Adobe Illustrator.