
Silver forks!

avatar of @trumpman
2 min read

@bitcoinman shared a cool silver fork he bought the other day, figured to show off some of my silver cuttlery over the next few days.

These are some cool pieces that have been passed to my family from two generations ago, so unless shit hits the fun I plan to pass them as well.

So today I'll start with this set of forks:

Some finer details

Size comparison vs a euro coin

Purity stands at 0.800, not bad

Total weight is 118 grams, almost 100 g of pure silver ๐Ÿค‘

Ok that's it's for today!

Now let's continue this post with some filler content provided by chatgbt ๐Ÿ˜‚

Tell me something interesting about silver cuttlery

There are a few interesting things about silver cutlery:

Silver is a precious metal and has been used for centuries to make cutlery, including knives, forks, and spoons.

Silver cutlery is often associated with luxury and is often used at formal events, such as weddings and fancy dinners.

Silver cutlery can tarnish over time due to the reaction of sulfur compounds in the air with the silver. To prevent tarnishing, silver cutlery should be stored in a dry place and polished regularly.

Some people believe that using silver cutlery can have health benefits, as silver is believed to have antimicrobial properties and can help kill bacteria and other microorganisms.

Silver cutlery is typically more expensive than other types of cutlery, such as stainless steel or plastic, due to the cost of the raw material. However, it is also considered a good investment, as silver prices tend to increase over time.

Woahhhh. I feel so much more knowledgeable now! Thanks bot ๐Ÿ˜‚

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