
avatar of @valued-customer
2 min read

So, I appreciate the lessons as well, although I think there are more to learn than you have mentioned.

For example, Hive is just Steem. DPoS is identical as applied by both. The stake Sun acquired has been stuffed into the HPS here, but stake governs Hive just as it does Steem today. All it takes to rule Hive is more money, and the stake necessary to do so has been in the hands of those ruling Hive since @ned quit interfering in witness voting. Until the sale to Sun, they ruled Steem and now they rule Hive.

Today they mostly oppose censorship. Unless you piss off Bernie. Then you can be added to the #irredeemables list created for the purpose, and Hive APIs will not share your posts. Peakd will not show them.

It's just a matter of time until the stake that rules Hive is either in different hands, who feel differently about censorship, or Bernie decides to add accounts to the #irredeemables list, as from time to time they may, and our voices continue to be silenced, until a point where the folks left able to post are no less cowed and servile to the Hive oligarchy as Steemers are to Sun.

We don't have any ability to decide who does or does not go on the #irredeemables list, that appears to be @themarkymark's power alone, and those decisions appear to be completely in service to the whims of Bernie.

That's not how censorship resistance works.

That's how censorship works.

It's here now, and everyone on Hive is subject to it.

Worse, allowing governance to be determined by whoever has the most money is a pretty direct route to straight up plutocracy. It in no way seems likely to lead to actual decentralized, community led governance. Hive is just waiting for a new coalition of stakeholders, or a few accounts to be bought out, for a new Sun to rise here.

We didn't win.

We've been warned.

We've seen what can happen, and how it can happen, and so have potential attackers. Do we sit here and await their attacks? Or do we shut down those avenues of attack, so at least something different, at least, has to be done to worsen the censorship here.

I have sought the explanation of how to put up an HPS proposal to only add accounts to the #irredeemables list if a proposal to do so passes HPS. Absent this power over censorship held by the community, it is the community that is subject to the power of censorship. If we don't take that power from a single individual, who seems to be using it to serve Bernie, we aren't censorship resistant.

We just are still allowed to speak.