
1 million POB mined, and what have we learned so far?

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2 min read


The first million out of a possible 21 was delivered on 7/24. In 5 months we reached this mark.

As much as we've experienced on this platform, it seems to me that it was 5 years and not 5 months, and 43 months are still left for Halvening.

At this rate, can we say that we will be close to the 10 million POB mined until the day that all rewards will be cut in half?

I think more important than the amount of token mined is what we are looking for as a legacy. What community will this be in 2025? What values ​​will we be looking for? Will governance have already taken place by then? Will we be seeing issue number 1,517 of PobTalk?

I believe that more important than thinking about how it will be in the future, we must also look to the past, and everything that happened in these 5 months.

What have we learned? What did we start practicing that we didn't practice? What were we practicing that we no longer practice?

We learned Words of the Week, we learned to Talk, we learned to post Daily, we made friends, we made enemies, and that generated interactions that were Interpreted and disseminated, we received more than 008 rewards, we were alpha, we were beta, we were unique, like One and Zero, we learn like in school and we trusted in our friends. Sorry for being so paradoxical.

I even learned how to refer people like in the paragraph above.

Today is a day to celebrate, it's another day that I'll keep physically with me, I'm still thinking about how I'm going to symbolize this date, bringing another edition of PobOutsidePob to show you. Wait for news.

And you, what have you learned so far? Share with me, today is a special day.

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