
Porque siendo nivel 41, estoy comprando orquesta que pide nivel 75? / Because being level 41, am I buying an orchestra that asks for level 75?

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2 min read

ESP Que tal rockeros, en esta ocasion quiero hablarles de mi decision de cambiarme de guitarras, a instrumentos de orquesta siendo nivel 41.

El motivo de este cambio es simplemente porque los instrumentos de orquesta estan mas economicos que las guitarras, siendo que el costo de una guitarra, alcanza para comprar dos de orquesta, tengo una coleccion considerable de guitarras, donde aproximadamente tengo como 60 guitarras raras, y dos epicas, que siguiendo mi analogia, eso me pasaria a tener 120 instrumentos de orquesta Actualmente en las lecciones de guitarras gano un promedio de 200 de skill, esperando que con el cambio, alcance un promedio de 500 o 600 de skill

Aqui podemos ver, como me piden nivel 75

Ahora, ustedes se estan preguntando, sobre el tema del ego, como lograre mantener el ego en cero, si no podre hacer lecciones para aumentar el skill

Lo que estuve haciendo aproximadamente durante 4 dias consecutivos, es hacer puras lecciones, hasta logran conseguir una brecha de 10 mil ante el ego

Con esta brecha puedo aguantar perfectamente durante un mes que es lo que aproximadamente me tardare en llegar a ese nivel.

Espero que te haya ayudado, y darte un panorama diferente sobre los instrumentos, sin mas me despido y deseo exito a todos. ENG How about rockers, this time I want to tell you about my decision to switch from guitars to orchestral instruments being level 41.

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The reason for this change is simply because orchestral instruments are cheaper than guitars, since the cost of one guitar is enough to buy two orchestral instruments, I have a considerable collection of guitars, where I have approximately 60 rare guitars, and two epics, that following my analogy, that would happen to me to have 120 orchestral instruments Currently in guitar lessons I gain an average of 200 skill, hoping that with the change, I will reach an average of 500 or 600 skill

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Here we can see, how they ask me for level 75

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Now, you are wondering, on the subject of ego, how will I manage to keep my ego at zero, if I cannot do lessons to increase the skill

What I was doing for approximately 4 consecutive days, is doing pure lessons, they even managed to get a gap of 10 thousand before the ego

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With this gap I can endure perfectly for a month, which is approximately how long it will take me to reach that level.

I hope it has helped you, and give you a different view of the instruments, without further ado I say goodbye and wish everyone success.