
Leo Save Our Tokens (CAT)

avatar of @wanderingmoon
1 min read

One thing I love more the earning hive tokens is seeing my hive tokens go up in value.

Sadly that has not been the case this week with CAT.

Seven days ago I saw my CAT, between 300.00 and 400.00 drop to less then 1.00. Thankfully someone in the CAT community was able to bring it back up to over 100.00. That was not to be had though as this morning someone dumped even (58) more then the first time (12) and crashed CAT again.

Now I do not claim to understand finance but am trying to learn. I understand certain tokens have certain value and I for one do not want to get gipped like I did when I sold my cub air drop. That is the reason I do not do anything other then hold the coins I earn (unless I'm buying game nft's).

I have also learned with this dip that if one does not know what they are doing not only does one run the risk of not getting a fair trade but can also cause an unnecessary drop in token value. So I call out to the money and finance nerds of leo and beg someone to creat an idiots guide (please don't actually call it that) to hive engine, tribaldex, leodex and or whatever other defi tools are available on hive.