
Project restart and financial implications

avatar of @young-boss-karin
3 min read

It's been a while. Hive has been taking the backseat for the past 5 days thanks to a bunch of reasons; the main one being my unending project that still hasn't ended.

Call me spider-woman

So, I began a project around the 12th of May and well, I have to admit that I began too slow. I underestimated how long the project would take and I kept playing around with it until the deadline got close and reality set in.

At first, I was told that all I needed to do was design 10 simple pages. Well, I designed 8 in 2 weeks and that's when I realised that I had just gotten started. At that point, I had only 2 weeks to go.

A few days before the deadline and I asked for an extension because I knew I wouldn't be able to finish on time. Best believe that the deadline was last Friday and I still have about 10 things on my to-do list before I call it quits.

Naturally, I shouldn't have to design this many screens but Im working with a shitty team. It's one thing to be a great designer but if your developer can't replicate what you've done then it really doesn't matter, does it?

My developer is very slow and pretty unreliable. I agreed to cut her a lot of slack because she's a mother of 3 and a businesswoman but that doesn't change the fact that we have a task at hand.

Her replication is poor and I've done everything I can to help her but I'm not a developer. I left her to do her job and I've been trying to make up for her lack of experience by doing the most I can do and it hasn't been easy.

The night before the deadline last Saturday, I erased everything I had worked on for 2 weeks and used a different design. The re-design took me dearly 6 hours but I sat my ass down and I got it done. I felt good about the project after that.

This project has taken a huge toll on me and I really can't wait to be done so I can rest for at least 1 week before I get into my next project.

I have a list of projects I plan on adding to my portfolio over the next few weeks and I can't wait to get started just so I can have something to show after training so hard for 6 months.

Financial implications

The past week was hell for my finances. Normally, I rely on solar energy to charge my devices but we're in the rainy season so there's barely any sun. The generators used to suffice but they stopped working for a couple of days so when the solar panel doesn't get charged, we're subjected to darkness.

This meant I had to prioritize my work. I couldn't write or engage on Hive as much as I would have preferred and it showed in my post payouts. It sucks so bad.

What's crazy is that I paid to get the generator fixed but it's still bad. It comes on some nights and other nights it just doesn't.

My productivity has been a lot less than I imagined it would be and it's not a great feeling. Hive still remains my main source of income until I can create a dope portfolio and have the balls to start applying for jobs.

I really hope I can do that in 2 months coz I need some extra help with this bear market kicking me in the ass.

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