
The Biggest Leverage You Didn't Get To See

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3 min read

Most of us know what leverage is. Basically, it's doing more with less. It's a multiplier of sorts. Instead of you having to do it one by one, you do it in bulk. Thanks to leverage.

It could be argued that the first leverage was the invention of the wheel. You could easily move things from one destination to another. Then, you could physically travel for miles without been tired or exhausted. Finally, you could travel the whole globe in a span of a few days. Isn't that leverage?

Human resource is a form of leverage too. A factory can employ thousands of workers to perform tasks that speed up the processing and manufacturing of goods. Presidents hire ministers to help in running the affairs of a country. Corporations employ a number of employees for specific tasks to help grow the corporation. In a nutshell, a person hires other people and outsource part of his or her work to them.

Now what is the biggest leverage? Enters the internet. Truly, many of us still haven't truly grasp the power of the internet. Patrick Bet-David of Valuetainment calls it "the great equalizer" and that it has "leveled the playing field".

Patrick Bet-David says in Think Like A Grandmaster: "Now,You can go up against celebrities, you can go up against those on TV. You can go up against companies that are 20,40,50,100 times bigger than you. Because it's [Social Media] the great equalizer." The internet is remarkable. Once you have a phone and internet connection you're literally connected with every other person and the infrastructure(social media, search engine etc) has already been built for you to be able to reach them. In completely shifted the dynamics of being a celebrity. In the old days, TV personalities where the main type of celebrities. Now, even Jenny from the block is a celebrity. Thanks to the internet.

The internet is the leverage most people have slept on. Only a few sharp eyed hustlers understand this. Most people have a consumerism mindset. The infinite scroll effect. You keep on scrolling through social media for hours getting 'entertained' (TikTok is now the king of this), doing nothing productive. There is nothing wrong in getting some entertainment but if you are entertained the whole day then what's there left to do?

The internet is a tool. A leverage to access a large number of people. A value bridge where you can impact a potentially large number of people for profit (entrepreneurship 101). Be a producer first then a consumer, not the other way round. It's
time to start seeing it that way. Here are three short ways to use the biggest leverage so far in history:

  1. Build an Audience/Community.
    With the potential of been a celebrity so easy and having access to reach a large number of people, why not use that opportunity to build an audience or community? Even if you don't want to be celebrity it will become very handy. From influence to authority, even reputation. Like Elon Musk said: "Your phone is a digital representation of yourself."

  2. Right Content.
    They said content is important. Because that's how you'll get noticed. Old types of content doesn't work anymore. Now, it's valuable content plus engaging/entertaining content. Valuable is the soup and engaging is the salt. Only few will eat untasty soup but many will eat a tasty soup.

  3. Be Authentic.
    With this chaotic and crowded place, it's very easy to lose your voice. Especially, if you start copying people. Your only competitive advantage is been authentic because no one can take that away from you. Emulate but do not copy!

To sum it up, Build an audience/community through right content and an authentic voice.
That's the simple formula, B.R.B.

Note: Simple doesn't necessarily mean easy, keep that in mind ;)

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