
ASKED: Why Comments On Leo Finance?

avatar of @zellypearl
4 min read


You know the saying " No man is an Island"? Well, this is what it is when you are among a community of people from different cultural backgrounds and tribes. Inasmuch as we join a community or platform to increase our financial earnings and backup our pockets, we also learn from others by sharing our minds, ideas, and thoughts.

When I became a certified member of leofinance, I thought of how to reach out to people here and share my thoughts, and thanks to leofinance for providing an avenue for that and its through comments. You know it could have been very easy for us to come here and dump our posts and go away with the upvotes but then what difference does it make? If no one is reading your articles and contents, if no one is sincerely sharing their thoughts with you about something you wrote and sometimes make certain corrections then to what benefit is it to you? That you only come here to dump posts, earn and go your way?

You know there is this great joy and satisfaction that someone is truly paying attention to your gibberish in your contents and articles and that they are giving you feedback. That is only possible and done in the comment section. Now, do you want to know why you should comment? And not only on leofinance but where ever you might find yourself in a community with so many people sharing their thoughts and ideas through their articles? Here is why;


The best and only way to connect easily and faster with community members is through the comment section. Not only do you connect with those people but you get to share your minds, ideas, and knowledge. By so doing, you dish out what you have and in return, you get what the person also has to offer. There are certain things you may not find out about a person or their articles except you engage them in the comment section.


Inasmuch as our contents or articles are well written and are termed as quality, not many will engage your posts except for some whales that go around appreciating good content. But when once you engage other people's articles and leave a useful and reasonable comment then your chances of increasing your audience and drawing more attention to your articles and blog too are great. Your posts alone won't give you the audience you so desire for your blog except you engage others too.


As lame as this may sound to you, trust me I never knew there were rewards for comments. I never checked my comments rewards cause most times I reply to my comments on hive interface as such I didn't know I was upvoted on some of my comments. When someone told me about rewards on comments, I had to rush and check my comments on the leofinance interface, though I was disappointed at first because when I started scrolling down, all I saw was 0.00 Leo. But I kept scrolling, then I saw figures like 0.98 Leo, 1 Leo, 7 Leo, and more but the most intriguing upvote I saw was 29 Leo.

I was astonished. I mean my normal articles don't even make that much yet my comment could fetch me that in a single post. I was encouraged but not only because of the rewards but for the fact that these people see it deem fit to reply to my comment in a warm and welcoming way giving me more reason to engage and interact with them more.


I can testify solely to this. I have never been followed here because of the articles I make, and of course, it is very rare especially if you are new to a place. But all the people that I got a follow from are people I left a comment on their posts. Every time I see a reply to a comment I make on someone's post, it always comes with a FOLLOW notification. I am always very glad whenever someone follows me up because of my comments, it shows my comment had value and I am always so grateful for that.

The few things I have mentioned are from my personal experience here for the past two weeks I have been on leofinace. I wish my nature of work could permit me to engage more but I do my best with the little time I have at hand because I have come to realize the usefulness of comments. Not only here but an all-around platform.

So if you have been asking yourself questions as to why you don't have the above listed or even more then maybe it's high time you comment more. Create an AUDIENCE for yourself through your quality engagement. CONNECT with others and also get some eyes on you to FOLLOW you up and trust me, the REWARDS will come.

These are four benefits of comments I discovered for myself. I am sure you have yours and even more.

Keep Blogging! And don't forget to comment. Genuinely Engage!

*~ Crypto Baby


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