
Code of Ethics for AI Implementation

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4 min read

Every time we read any article related to AI, our moral and ethical principles towards our own human existence are challenged and we feel overwhelmed by not knowing how to channel these emotions, which many times we cannot even identify.

We are always assaulted by the idea of a world dominated by machines, robots that rebel against humans, weapons of mass destruction controlled by AI or the simple idea of feeling threatened because a technological system will leave us unemployed.

All this mixture of emotions could represent major disruptive events in the future of societies, starting from the individuals themselves.

Preceding a catastrophic future in this regard, world experts in the field have met in the European Commission (EC) in order to publish a guiding document with legal links which is an integral part of the development of this technology and promotes «Respect for human dignity, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights» in order for society to generate"trust*" towards the implementation of AI in everyday situations.

These are the 7 Ethical principles presented by the EC for the development of AI.

  1. It must be supervised by human beings, with the "appropriate contingency measures".
  2. Systems must be "resilient" and "resilient" in the event of attempts at manipulation or hacking and provide contingency plans.
  3. The privacy of citizens' data must be guaranteed throughout the life cycle of artificial intelligence.
  4. AI must be transparent, which means being able to reconstruct how and why it behaves in a certain way and those who interact with those systems should know that it is artificial intelligence as well as what people are responsible.
  5. Artificial intelligence must take into account social diversity since its development to ensure that the algorithms on which it is based do not have direct or indirect discriminatory biases.
  6. Technological development must take into account its social and environmental impact in a way that is sustainable and ecologically responsible.
  7. Artificial intelligence and its results must be accountable to external and internal auditors.

How can we interpret the implementation of these ethical principles in specific cases of life?

Elder Assistance Robots

What options are there to use AI and robotics in the elderly by using assistance robots, without hurting the dignity of the patient?

The old man should be consulted if he prefers a robot to change his diapers or prefers his own son to do it, how degrading could it be? How impersonal would this relationship be?

Massive destruction weapons

An arms race with AI is about to break loose. The European Parliament has created a commission of experts who, meeting in Brussels, managed to reach a consensus on the inclusion of autonomous weapons of mass destruction in the code of ethics.

Robot drones with AI and facial recognition could be developed to anonymously kill one or even a group of citizens.

If this type of technology, if these battle robots spread widely, it will have an absolutely destructive effect on our society. For fear of being killed, no one would dare to challenge or criticize anyone, causing self-censorship and submission and limitation of thought.

Social AI

The interception between man and machine. Some communication systems with AI support are no longer distinguished from humans.

There are systems that cause "**Social Hallucinations*", that is, they are systems that make you believe that you are dealing with another human.

This brings a lot of debate among experts who defend ethical principles, since every person should have the right to know in every moment if they are interacting with a system or with another human being.

An example of this type of systems can be found in Google Duplex. A personal assistant who is able to request an appointment for the hairdresser and chat with the person in charge, who can never detect that she is interacting with a machine.

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