
You Know How You Wish You Were An Early Adopter?

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2 min read

Over my three years on Steem I hear it all the time...

I wish I would have gotten in early...

photo stolen from the internet.

Well, Do you realize you have that chance right now on SE and in Tribes?

It's high risk, the sites have some issues, the scot bot runs slow, the sites run a bit slow, you have to wait for updates... Yep, it runs like a baby. It's only a few months old.

If you wait to buy until everything works out and there is less risk... Well, the prices will be higher.

You can have sleek, perfectly working tools or you can be an early adopter... PICK ONE.

Being an Early Adopter means you put up with the risk, you put up with the bugs, you accept the half broken tools... because it MIGHT work out.

But it's centralized! (Yes, I know) But Aggroed! (Yes, I know) But it's buggy! (Yes, I know) But... (ad lot's of other things)

Yeah, I get it... High Risk isn't for everyone.

Yep, It's high risk could all fall apart. I'm getting in anyway.

Onboarding, Marketing and Engagement are quickly moving to the tribes.

Some or maybe even many of the Tribes may later decide to Adopt SMTs.. Maybe not.

After a project takes off, people look at the early adopters with envy... "I wish I had gotten in" they say.

After a project fails, people look at the early adopters with pity or even anger. "They got scammed". or "They should have known better".

I don't know which way it will go. To those who say, what about STEEM. I say tell the stakeholders of STEEM to make it an attractive investment option.

Figure out your own risk tolerance and get in or just watch for a bit...

What's in your wallet?

Don't ever invest more than you can afford to lose.
