
# BTC Trade History 比特币交易史 2020326

2 min read

BTC Trade History 比特币交易史

| Date 日期 | Total BTC before Opening 開盘前BTC总量 | Open Price 开盘價 | Bid Amt 投注额| Leverage 杠杆 | Closing Price 收盘價 | Total BTC after Closing 收盘後BTC总量 | Notes 备注 |


2020/03/08 | 0.0273 | 9509.50 | 0.027 | -1 |   8057   | 0.0293  | 20200308, trade not in time to record

2020/03/12 | 0.0293 | 7375 |  0.017402 | -100 |    4200   | 1.3338 | 20200312, wait for trend change, limit sell at 4200

2020/03/23 | 1.3338 | 5925 |  0.4865 | -100 |  6097 | 0.0051  | 20200323,wait for trend change,LMT CLS 5500   DL⬇  HA⬇  RSI70✔,position liquidated 😠😡

2020/03/24  | 0.0051 | 6550 |  0.00227 | 10 |    6565   | 0.0052  | Trade not in time to record, Bitmex, DL⬆    HA⬆3  

2020/03/24  | 0.003967 | 6550 |  0.001967 | 10 |    6575   | 0.00401257  | Trade not in time to record, BitSeven, DL⬆    HA⬆3  

2020/03/24  | 0.00401257 | 6758 |  0.00151257 | 10 |  6556     | 0.00354978  | Trade not in time to record, BitSeven, DL⬆    HA⬆3  

2020/03/24  | 0.00354978 | 6550 |  0.00254978 | 10 |    6750   | 0.00426579  | Trade not in time to record, BitSeven, DL⬆    HA⬆3   , Limit Sell at 6750

' The real cost to open position 开盘的实际成本 ' Negative values indicate shorting 负值代表卖空

Fiat invested

2020/03/12 | 1000 2020/03/23 |  100

Total Bitcoin Own

2020/03/12 | 0.0273 2020/03/16 | 0.0193 2020/03/23 | 1.3338 2020/03/24 |  0.00946579

Current Status 现状

2020/03/26  | 0.00426579 | 6,732.50 |  0.00226579 | 25 |    wwwww   | wwwwww  | BitSeven, DL⬆  HA4h⬆2 ; Wait trend change

Uptrend, G 0700: 4, 6, 4, 3       6298 Didn't hit 0800: 5, 6, 5, 4       6550 0900: 6, 7, 5, 4 1000: 7, 8, 5, 4 1100: 8, 8, 6, 4 1200: 8/1, 8/1, 6, 5 1300: 8/2, 8/1, 6, 5 1400: 8/3, 8/2, 6/1, 5 1500: 8/2/2, 8/1/1, 7, 5

323  DL⬇  HA⬇  RSI70✔

破 7000 就进场 Long

320 DL down, HA up

Tested 5900 support level twice but cannot break

319 DL long

如果跌破 3000,就会跌到很厉害

破9300 一定downtrend 、 9500 是ntz , 10300 以上才会继续上。 一天不破10300 就是ntz 了

Buy back at 8300 / 7900 / 7300 / 6900

Golden Rules 金科玉律

1。永远不要(Never all-in)。 2。懂得如何输。Know how to lose. 3。输的时候不要加仓。 4。