
Upvote Shares Update | 200k SPORTS Staked + 1000 DBLOG & More

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2 min read

Upvote Shares is a project from @costanza that aims to provide Daily Upvotes to quality content creators based on a fair model that is proving to be sustainable and scalable over time. More insights on the Model Mechanics and curation Reward Dividends can be found here & here.

Things have slowed down a bit and it's been a month since the last update when Level 20 opened up. The account continues to grow and nearly reached enough SP to move on to Level 21. This means unsold stakes will be burned which increases the returns for each share. This mechanic should increase the demand again as we move forward. I also increased some of the Tribe tokens that give extra value to Shareholders that are using them.


Sportstalk has recently dipped in price and I manually increased the Staked SPORTS from 82k to 200k now and have set the multiplier to x5 which means a 20% upvote on Steemit gives a 100% upvote with SPORTS. A 100% upvote now adds around 165 SPORTS value to a post.


Dblog is a relatively new tribe that accepts every type of content and I manually added it staking 1000 DBLOG looking to increase this over time. It is currently set with a multiplier of x3. So everyone who wants can add the DBLOG tag to their posts!

-TribePrevious StakedCurrent StakedMultiplier
Steemit5120 STEEM5357 STEEM1x
Steemleo500 LEO500 LEO5x
Palnet800 PAL925 PAL2x
Sportstalk82000 SPORTS200000 SPORTS5x
Dblog0 DBLOG1000 DBLOG3x

Steemauto vs Steemrewarding

The program has been using Steemauto since the start which has worked great but I will start experimenting a bit with Steemrewarding (thanks to @kharma.scribbles to mention this along with it's features to me). The main purpose of using steemrewarding will be as a way to increase some quality control as it allows to skip upvotes on certain tags or words. I will start using them to counter those who still make Actifit shitposts that have nothing personalized to them. So for those who still make these kinds of posts, now it's the time to improve upon them before being moved to steemrewarding which will no longer upvote them.

Level 20 Available Shares & Completion

Currently, 16 Shares are still available for Level 20 which can still be bought (former @upvotebuilders still can benefit from the promo). I will be closing down completing level 20 regardless if they go out or not putting in the needed SP that is left and burning the shares next week to move the program onto the next level also paying out the curation reward dividends and resetting the @minnowshare upvotes to the newly sponsored account.

That's about it for this update. As always, if there are questions or suggestions feel free to let me know and all earnings from this post will be used to grow this project and the value of it's shareholders...