
Red pill or Blue pill?

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3 min read

I see that more and more people (particularly the young) have sympathy with socialism in the United States and running the country on socialist lines. And this is not just confined to America. It's a theme you can see in different parts of the world. And the problem is, that again especially the young - have lost confidence in what is called capitalism (or better said - "cartelism"). And so the idea is, that if we replace capitalism with socialism then it'll all be alright. Right?

They are both ideologies. And what are ideologies, except prison cells for the mind? Indeed, prison cells for human society, because they both work in same way. Every problem in both systems has to be filtered through the lens and then it's all alright.

But actually they are simply different expressions of the same mindset. Mindset, that believes one ideology fits every situation. It's a one-stop shop to deal with everything. And of course what happens with either of them as history has shown...they produce massive inequality and loss of freedom.

But we've been kidded, because the 0.0001% (if you do the research) are actually behind capitalism cartel and also behind socialism. So what they do is they move between two apparent opposites to give people the idea that they've got choice. And also to play people off against each other. It's like a monopoly game. Source: twinpic

In both ways, the scam is being played. These are the dictionary definitions:

Capitalism is defined as an economic system, characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods by investments that are determined by private decision and by prices production and the distribution of goods, that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Under that definition alone, we do not live in a capitalist society we live in a cartel, mob, zionist (or whatever you want to call it) society because what happens is - only a few have control of the money, the capital. And in doing so they gain control of the system by creating cartels that stitch up the so called "free market" and make it anything but free! So you have the

  • big pharma cartel
  • the biotech cartel
  • the oil cartel
  • the banking cartel
    .... .. . So we don't have capitalism.

And then we have socialism
This is the definition: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

In capitalism cartels we have centralization of power in the hands of a few, by controlling who has the money (power) and who doesn't.

Socialism is the centralization of power in the hands of a few to dictate and impose their will on every one else and the socialist structure is even easier to control than the capitalist cartel structure - because with capitalism (or cartelism) you have to hoard the money and build corporations, and grab more and more of markets. So you control them. With socialism, what you have is very hierarchical structure of government, military and law enforcement. Specially law enforcement is laid out so the few dictate to the many, and control law enforcement to impose that will upon the many, who don't want to have their lives controlled by a gang of dictators.

And what's happening is particularly the young are being indoctrinated into a mindset, into a belief system, into basically an ideology. Because what this "1%" (0.0001%) is ready to set up, is the hierarchical structure of power, that is most easy for them to control. Which is a socialist-communist society.