
what do you think the purpose of human life?

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2 min read

discussing the purpose of human life, I think this is very important for joint discussion. because you definitely agree with me that it is impossible for this human being to be created without having a purpose. you try to think and look around you. everything that is around has a meaning to life. flowers have a meaning of life. chairs have meaning, tables have meaning, sandals have meaning, everything has meaning. I think it is impossible for humans as the best creation of God to have no purpose in living in this world.

I always find out the purpose of human life. I think if humans were created without having a purpose in life, in my opinion it would be useless for humans to live. try to imagine, when you go to school to achieve success. then you can buy a car, have a wife, children, a luxury home, then when you die you are old. Try to imagine, is it like that for humans to live? I think humans were created for God not like that.

In my opinion, humans live in this world to be tested by their god of faith. God has put 2 places for the purpose of human life. namely hell and heaven. this is the end of the goal of human life. when humans are given various kinds of problems in life, but he still follows and invokes the commands of God, then God will give him paradise for him.

Similarly, when humans are given the pleasure of life such as having abundant wealth and he still remembers and carries out God's commands, then God will also give him life in heaven. but when man is given various problems, and pleasures in life, and he does not want to do the commands of God and ask God, then God will put him in hell.

in short this life is a test. in my opinion this makes sense. I invite discussion partners @xpilar, @ r2cornell @ introvert-dime @streetstyle, @cyclamen, @smasssh, @larryphang, @anroja, @hafizullah @antogis, @saboin sorry I marked you. I think this is very important and interesting to discuss together.