
Freedom Tuesday #29

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3 min read

Here we are again, dear reader. We could have put in our order for a Maserati today, but you didn't tell your friends the secret to getting one.

Keep working, stop paying.

Freedom is just this one simple step from happening.

Workers already do all the work. Bosses keep all the profits. We get 'wages' that cannot add up to the value of the labor that we do. If the workers could buy back 100% of the value of their labor, there would be no profits. Profits are unpaid wages.

If all the workers simply stop paying for things, they can escape this bankster dystopia in one day.

No wars. No iron fisted revolutions. No blood in the streets. No new boss, same as the old boss.

Just a simple switch over, on a Tuesday.

Instead of hoping to grow up to be president, and wealthy, one day, we simply take what we need from the pile that each of us contributed to.

We each contribute one share to the work, we each have one share of the production coming to us.

Sure, the numbers will have to be determined. We can't really know how much demand will exist before we make the changes. Once the initial rush is over, the world only needs so many shoes. Only so many iphones.

Once that demand is met, it is down to replacement levels. Robots can be brought online without pushing a working person onto the bread line.

Instead of being a culture that starves some to over reward others, we can be a culture that sees that everybody that contributes has a house, food, and shoes.

By meeting the bare minimum of existence consumption, we eliminate many of the conditions that sprout crime.

Instead of a teenager having to put up with an abusive environment, he can go up the street to seek out a better deal.

Instead of someone putting up with an abusive spouse because they have no job skills, they can go downtown to the learning place and find some skills.

Instead of having to pee in a bottle to get a job, kids can walk down the street and help the first person that needs it.

Instead of having to rob grandma to get a fix, junkies can slowly kill themselves in place set up just for that. Maybe Las Vegas?

Instead of having to be at the mercy of the crapitalusts, we can all stand on our own two feet.

A cooperative world will have a place to go, if you need help. Not a place with a state bureaucrat that gets paid irrespective of the kind of help they actually produce. But, a place with somebody that really, really wants you to succeed, so they can take a break.

If you can manage a 3d printer, you can set up shop in your garage.

Whatever you need to be a productive citizen will be provided to you by other productive citizens because they know that the more producers there are, the less dependent we are on each one. Some call it decentralization.

When your only worry is to find something to do that you find appealing, why wouldn't you?

When you can hop on jet and go to where they build the laptops, why wouldn't go learn how to build a laptop?

Whatever work you seek to do, just where it is done, and do it.

It really is this simple. Once you get over the mindwarp that craptialism has indoctrinated you into. You think this isn't possible, not because it is impossible, but because that is how your mind has been trained to think.

Free your mind, dear reader, or love your chains. You gotta decide for you.