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2 min read

The most basic thing is to give yourself the ability to think abstractly.

Ability to think abstractly is the ability to think about things that do not come from one's own experience. In other words, we cannot live by experience alone, or see only superficial things and ignore internal connections and logic.

In a well-known psychological experiment, psychologist Skinner fed 8 pigeons in a cage. To increase motivation for foraging, the pigeons starved for several days before the test, then they were distributed food in cages. Food. The dispenser is set to distribute food every 5 minutes, which means whatever the pigeons do, they will get a serving of food every 5 minutes.

After repeating it for a period of time, the 6 pigeons have an interesting movement: some keep turning, some keep hitting the birdcage, and some keep looking up, because they believe that as long as they keep doing something Action, food will fall from the sky.

These doves had created several theories based on their own experience, and once they had fulfilled a few times, they would believe this theory even more. In this way, Skinner didn't actually do anything, so he brainwashed this pigeon.

To make your judgment accurate and unaffected, you need to look at the problem from multiple angles. When you come across a concept, think about whether there are opposing concepts and phenomena, and don't be led by theory.

Another way to influence is to not necessarily force you to impart anything, but while giving you some of the truth, it consciously protects some of the information from you. When your information is incomplete, you will naturally be washed into green onions.

Therefore, when you realize that the sources of information in your environment are incomplete, you have to be more vigilant, this is the beginning of negative influences!