
πŸ”₯ BITCOIN is the silent protest!

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2 min read


Since I first understood cryptocurrencies I thought that Bitcoin was a revolution. It is not money, it is not gold, it is more than that. It is giving the power back to the people. The financial system has worked "well" during all this years but it is time to have an alternative.

For years the access of information was controlled by governments and media, and now is happening the same with the financial system. Internet is the decentralization of information, and Bitcoin is the decentralization of the financial system.

Funny moments in the Bitcoin history

I remembered that I saw some funny photos that are remarcable in the Bitcoin history. The one below is from 2017 if I am not wrong, when Janet Yellen was the president of the FED. Somebody in the Capitol Hill showed a message LIVE on TV that said "Buy Bitcoin".

In 2017/2018 when Donald Trump won the election they changed the president for Jerome Powell, which is still the Chair of the Federal Reserve.

Another funny moment in the Bitcoin history is this photo, captured during the Yellow vests movement, in French "Gilets jaunes". One of the protesters was captured with this message on their vest. I also love their cap by the way!

The masterpiece

And finally we had the masterpiece in the USA, concretely in Los Angeles during the protests for the death of George Floyd. They were asking a protested to send a message to the family of George Floyd, and they get an unexpected answer:

this was just broadcasted in live tv in Los Angeles from r/CryptoCurrency

I hope you like it! Enjoy! 😊