
πŸ”₯ Brave advertisers are growing!

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2 min read


If you live under a rock and don't know what the Brave Browser is I will explain it to you. It is a web browser focused on the user privacy, with a native token integrated that allows advertisers pay its users for the ads they are seeing. The web browser is faster than most of the popular ones, it is reliable and secure. If the user don't want to see adds can block all of them without any browser extension. For years the Big Tech companies like Google are taking all the money for the advertising on their platforms. Now we have an alternative, and the most amazing part is that the alternative it's better in all aspects!

We could say that HIVE is for social media what BRAVE is for Web browsing. I am a huge fan of the Brave business model, the concept is amazing and it is a win-win situation for advertisers/users.

Brave is on a mission to fix the web by giving users a safer, faster and better browsing experience while growing support for content creators through a new attention-based ecosystem of rewards.

As part of the Brave Rewards program, users who participate in Brave Ads receive 70% of the advertising revenue. That reward comes in the form of Basic Attention Tokens, purchased with advertiser dollars (or other fiat currency, when the advertiser does not pay in BAT). These routine purchases are listed in the table above.

# BAT Tokens Purchased by Brave Team

1 hour ago, BraveSamson posted on twitter that they added a new purchase of BAT tokens at their Transparency webpage. The team purchases BAT tokens using the money they get from the advertisers, and the good news is that it is increasing! We're getting more and more money from advertisers. He posted a chart where we can see the amount of tokens purchased over time. Look at the peak of March of this year!

5 million Daily Active Users

Look at how amazing is the Daily Active User growth for the Brave Browser! And if you take a closer look, you will notice that the growth for last months has been accelerating, it is even better that I have imagined!


# 15 million monthly Active Users

The number of users that used the web browser last month is at All Time Highs. The number is huge with more than 15 million people using it. I have it in my PC and my smartphone, I am a really happy customer that will not change to the old browsers, at least for now.

I also have received my COMPLETELY FREE BAT TOKENS for viewing ads while browsing. No, I have to correct that part, I have not seen the adds, I just got a notification and I get paid even if I don't click it.

I am really bullish on this project and their token, I have bought some lately. I am confident HODLing them, and even more after seeing this results.


Enjoy! 😊