
True value of vouchers, packs and other thoughts

avatar of @belemo
3 min read

One of the beautiful things about Splinterlands is the variety of products that the game offers to investors. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 5 important categories of assets.

For me, the impressive thing about the Splinterlands ecosystem is how they manage to ensure everything stays fresh. The game tries to connect all these assets in a network of opportunities that basically ensures that resources stay within the game.

For example, at the start of the SPS airdrop, monsters, DEC, and virtually every asset you own contributed their quota towards your airdrop points. Even when new assets like vouchers are introduced, they are connected to something that ensures value is retained within the game.

The impressive thing about the game is that all these assets are valuable on their own because the investors simply can't get enough. A fine example of this is the rapid sale of Chaos legion packs.

So far, there have been approximately 6.8 million packs minted in the game, and that amounts to about $27m at least. This stat doesn't even take into account the fact that in the previous rounds of sale, you also needed vouchers that also have their own market value.

On top of the minted packs inside the game, there are also the packs that have been tokenised and are traded on Hive-engine/Leodex. These packs also constitute their own quota to the growing ecosystem.

At the time of writing, the total market cap of Packs on Hive-engine stands at $2.49m. Right now, each pack trades at $2.95 or roughly $3 per pack. It is $1 cheaper because the packs you buy here don't count towards the legendary monster airdrop.

I once talked about how if you're not buying at least 20 packs, there's really no reason to participate in the sales. Unlike previous sales, there's stiff competition and even a few hundred packs doesn't guarantee anything.

In the first two rounds of sale, I bought 62 packs officially and I didn't qualify for ANY airdrop. In the recent airdrop released, I added more packs and got to 412 but I got a total of 5 of the monsters, with one legendary gold foil inside.

Interestingly, my sister bought 25 packs and got one GF legendary as well. However, when you consider that each airdrop is released after 1 million packs are sold, I think it's pretty obvious that she was very lucky.

Luck is not something I entirely like to depend on, so while I will ride my luck from time to time, I like to be in a safe place. That's why I encourage anyone without insane money to look at the opportunities on Hive-engine.

I think the packs are going to be more expensive in the future. I also know for sure that while the chaos Legion monsters might seem overpopulated, there's actually not enough for everybody.

When packs go out of print, that's when the real madness will begin. So now that they're cheap, I think taking a gamble on cheap packs is the way to go.

Watchful eyes

Interestingly, packs and vouchers were immune to the hardcore dump. Right now, these assets are very dear to investors and everyone's holding them close to their chest.

I've been looking at the price of vouchers, with plans to buy a few. However, I always feel weird about paying for something I receive freely.

There's also the fact that while packs are in high demand, they're not going anywhere because everybody is poor right now. This also opens up an opportunity to buy stuff and strategically position your portfolio for some juicy returns in the future.

Some of the other assets in the game, including SPS, plots and other assets have experienced colossal dumps since their highs. This is also an opportunity to take advantage of the system by buying cheap assets.

Remember that the price of an asset can be misleading. Price doesn't determine the value and true value always shines through the dark days.

So right now, my plans are to get my hands on more SPS tokens to stake. This will also be the first time I'm ever buying SPS tokens off the market but it can't be helped.

With just $100, you could be getting upwards of 700 SPS tokens to stake. That's a decent amount that will give you a decent return on the vouchers and the SPS mining that staking offers.

So keep your head on the swivel and always lookout for opportunities to derive value when others are dumping. Always remember that the market doesn't determine the quality of a product. All it does is tell you when something rises and falls against another.

There are opportunities everywhere, don't miss out because some index tells some shit. Fortune favours the brave.

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