
Having Your Cake And Eating It

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3 min read


This is how I feel about being on Hive as no matter what you do you are still growing every day. The larger the stake the more you make and why I believe you have no other choice but to keep staking. I have been on here for nearly 30 months and haven't taken 1 Hive yet. To be honest this is one thing I still need to organise but haven't exactly rushed as I believe there is still years to go before Hive will be ready.

Why I say having your cake and eating it as Hive is covering the best of both worlds. What other crypto currency offers you the possibility to stake and earn at the same time. There probably are some out there,but I haven't exactly looked.

I was checking out Twitter earlier and someone asked a question asking what alt coin would you hold for the next 6-8 months.Why aren't more investors considering Hive as a safe avenue to increase their stake. I think many don't realise what is possible and how Hive really works. We all know crypto can jump up in value by 40 or 50 x and sometimes much more so no one knows what could happen. 40 x will give Hive $10 which is a possibility in the years to come. Part of not knowing is part of the journey and what makes it fun.

I know of others like Leo that you earn 1 Gas for every Leo you hold per year. 365 Leo = 365 Gas over 1 year and was one that I found tempting a few years ago. Hive is different though as you earn roughly 10% back in interest over a year paid out daily as long as it is staked. This is compounded so it will work out over 1 year to being more as you keep staking it.

Not only is Hive fun and absorbing being involved as part of the community but the earning avenues open up the more you do. I think once the masses realise this then it not only takes the risk out of trading daily as you are growing your stake no matter what but it has a fun factor linked to it.

If you are going to hold something for a year what extra growth are you getting other than the price factor. Hive is still new and the possibilities are endless at what the price could eventually be. We have seen $1 already and are now down at the 25 cent range. I am not betting my entire fortune on this but I know this has legs to do more than most other coins.

This is one reason why I don't pay much attention to the price as why would I want to cash out right now? I have no emergencies thankfully and will sit and just grow as much as I can as one day it could be worth a small fortune. Don't quote me on this as this is what I think and why I take Hive seriously. $10 earned on Hive daily could actually work out to being $100's earned daily once the value of Hive rises. Could is a big word though and time will tell if we were right or wrong.

Today's generation is all about today and now yet if they had a little patience how much more could others make. They are like a Crow looking for anything new and shiny and not thinking what they have is actually pretty damn good already.