
How I'm Earning Over 50% APR Delegating to Leo

avatar of @cryptoknight12
3 min read

Great APR % by Delegating to Leo

      So yesterday, I decided to delegate all my current HP to @Leo.Voter. In total I delegated exactly 1,750 HP and yesterday I recieved by first payment of Leo tokens.

That 1,750 HP delegated to Leo earned me a total of 4.344 Leo, at today's exchange rate of about 0.17 Hive per Leo, that's roughly equivalent to 0.78 HIVE or 16% APR as promoted in the post that led me to delegating to Leo.

If you've never delegated any Hive Power, than you may not appreciate what I'm saying, but after seeing the results I will be keeping the 1,750 HP staked with Leo. I think Leo has a lot of potential as compared to other Hive communities Leo is bringing in additional revenue through the ads they recieve from their various websites and hive tools. I am confident that the Leo tokens I earn will hold their value, so I don't plan on converting them to HIVE anytime soon.

If you're interested in learning more about Leo, check out their most current official post about how their burning Leo from ad revenue - New Model for LeoAds | Burning LEO With Ad Revenue

Thus Begins My Journey to Mining 10k LEO!


      If I keep the current 1,750 HP delegated to Leo, at that rate I'll have about 1,750 LEO in a year oddly enough. In addition, throughout the year I plan on posting to Leo directly not only earning additional rewards that you will need to look into yourself, but obviously the author rewards paid out in LEO!

I'm currently earning about 70 LEO a week, which I hope will drive upward as my involvement in the community compounds over time, but at even 70 a week that's still almost 4k LEO! So based on these numbers in a year, I'd have about 6k Leo and at today's price that's almost 2k HIVE.

What does that mean? After 1 year, I am potentially looking at 100% ROI since delegating 1,750 HP is all I expect I need to earn 6k LEO which is about 2k HIVE!


            About The Leo Community

      The Leo community is full of passionate bloggers who are primarily interested in finance, investing focused primarily on blockchain and related news associated with trends in the market, technology updates, technical and fundamental analysis.

If you plan on using the Leo tag in your posts or have hopes to build yourself within the community, then you will want to post directly on Leo's website for any content you publish. By making posts directly on the Leo tribe / community website you earn additional Leo rewards, so it's a win / win and why would you not post if Leo content is something you'd post or follow others about any way!

The Leo Tribe leaders are always sharing the latest updates and improvements for their native Leo token. Being active in Leo allows community members additional means to maximize their social blockchain experience. Not only that but the curation in the Leo community is highly rewarding, interactive and fun.

I post all content related to investing, passive income streams, business ideas and blockchain related news in The Leo Community.

Posted Using LeoFinance