
Do angel delegators actually exist on Hive?

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5 min read

More funds = More Fun πŸ€‘

Today I want to discuss a topic that surely will interest many. We've all noticed that our upvotes are worth a lot more today than they were this time last year. HIVE's price has continued to escalate, which has, in turn, multiplied the value of all upvotes on our very useable blockchain.

There are now quite a few accounts that can hand out a 100% upvote worth well over $100. Even accounts that once could only give out a few cents here and there are noticing that their upvotes are now worth a few dollars at present moment. It is pretty awesome to know that we can gift and earn crypto without losing anything, all that is required is to stake your HIVE and turn it into Hive Power.

Once you have Hive Power, you then have a few options on how you can utilize your newfound ability to spread the wealth. If you're like me and use Hive daily, then manually curating will be the obvious option. Some don't have the time or desire to do that and instead go down the delegation route. It's pretty easy to find a project that will pay you daily just for delegating to them. I'm not going to take the time to list out all of those options, the resources are already there to give you plenty of choices.

There is another category of supremely wealthy that aren't worried about making some extra crypto off of their Hive Power. I've personally known people to have several hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Hive Power, sometimes even millions of dollars worth, and they just have let it sit in their wallet idly for many months. Sure they are missing out on some profit, but they are already successful enough to not have to worry about it and are most likely too busy living their lives to the fullest in the real world. They are in it for the long haul and feel no need to let Hive create extra daily tasks, even though most of that can be automated if they take the time to figure it out. These whales occasionally or even consistently curate, but surely they don't have the time to spread their massive amount of upvote value across the blockchain evenly.

In comes the angel delegator πŸ˜‡

Maybe you have not heard this term before. Perhaps I made it up just because it makes sense to me. I'm not really for sure about the origin, but I do know what this term means to me. Let me briefly explain what I mean by the title angel delegator.

Angel delegator: A person who for no apparent reason decides to delegate their Hive Power to another account and let them benefit from the use of an often large stake.

It probably seems crazy to think that an account would give up so much of its power just to help someone else out, but it happens. I know that if I had the financial freedom to openly give to others without needing a thing in return, it would surely feel amazing to do that. I'm quite a long way away from being able to make something that huge happen, but I will never eliminate the possibility.

I said angel delegations happen, but is this really something that is occuring? Is it more likely that there are massive business deals being done right under our noses? Are certain users being offered the opportunity to earn a delegation in return for certain expectations? Things such as promoting Hive to better ensure profitable investment. Perhaps even a personal assistant of sorts. There are many tasks that I can think of which could warrant a large Hive Power delegation.

I'm not saying that having an incoming delegation is bad in any way shape or form. I'm just curious as to how some people have managed to secure something like that and if more opportunities exist in this realm.

Nothing in life is free 🚧

Whether you realize it or not, pretty much everything has a toll to pay. Even if one were to get lucky and receive an angel delegation while they are asleep one night, they will surely have to work tremendously hard to continue to be given such a thing. If I were one of these angel delegators, I wouldn't just be handing out my power to anybody. I would wish to give someone who offers something beneficial to Hive the power to impact this place even more. There are plenty of ways that one can offer value. High-quality and consumable content, a loud voice that invites new users to Hive, developers who give us amazing utilities, or maybe even friends/family.

More often than not, there is probably some sort of private messaging happening to set up a mutually acceptable delegation. Most people on Hive are here for many reasons, one of which is often to make some money. It is pretty unlikely that a large stakeholder would be willing to erase the opportunity to increase their gains just to help someone else out. We are humans though and we find joy in helping others, no matter the cost that we may incur. An angel delegation could change the way someone lives their life and it may very well just be the motivation that they need to change the world.

What would you do with an angel delegation❓

Let's say that you did happen upon a spur-of-the-moment delegation. I'm not saying that this is likely, but we can think hypothetically for a second. How would this change your operations on Hive?

I know that me personally, not much would change with my day-to-day habits. I would continue to manually curate every single day. I would not let up on my own daily posts that I am so passionate about crafting. One major thing that would be altered is the amount of Hive Power that I would earn through curation. At the moment I earn about 20 HP on average each day from curation. If this number were to multiply to say 3x or 4x, I'd be growing my account at an even more rapid pace and be able to help others do the same.

I will not spend my spare time wishing for an angel delegator to choose me. It would be unwise to daydream about such a lottery occurring in my life. Most things that I have received in my life have come through grit and determination. I've gotten lucky here and there, but consistently being the one in a million isn't my reality. The same goes for the vast majority of the population on Earth.

Let's discuss this topic πŸŽ™

I would love to hear from you and get a conversation going down in the comments of this post. I'm sure that the topic of angel delegators is something that gets many thoughts flowing through your mind. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think, I want to know.

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