
Week through Adrian's Lenses

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3 min read

At the beginning of the year, we've seen people setting their goals and businesses sharing their strategies for 2023.

One of my non-goals (lacking a better term instead of resolution) for this year was to write this type of post on Sundays, sometimes replaced by Walking Stories. This is the first of the series. That pushes my Hive goals posts to Mondays.

I think we've had a pretty quiet week overall, with most people still getting back into the rhythm after the end-of-year free time with families.

Week on Hive

Since many of us are Hive-centric, this will be the main section of these posts.

Before I start, keep in mind, this is the week through my lenses. And my lenses can only focus on so much... But if there's something important I missed, feel free to mention it in the comments. I'd appreciate it.

Even so, there is much to cover for the week we are about to end on Hive.

3Speak and SPK Network

@starkerz was a guest on the CryptoManiacs podcast from Tuesday, where he talked about the future plans and strategies they have for 3Speak and SPK Network. The possibilities of opening up 3Speak for users who connect with different options (like Metamask, and even Google), temporary content, and direct video integration into various dapps, without having 3Speak as an intermediary came into the presentation.


Leofinance published a post on how they reimagine the platform in 2023, based on 3 principles:

  1. A zero-explanation User Experience
  2. A simple onboarding process
  3. Everything app features

Splinterlands put out the "DEC-B proposal" to a vote after changing it according to the results of an informal vote on Hive. With 2 days before the voting window closes, the situation is 70% in favor of the proposal, with 66% needed to pass it. It has been at 70% for a few days, and probably most stakeholders that were interested in participating in the SPS DAO governance already voted.

SplinterForge Launched Jan 2nd is a Hive-based boss-fighting card game that uses the Splinterlands NFTs (both monsters and summoners) as a basis for their game. They don't have an official Hive account for content creation, as far as I know, but they have a discord server and a number of users having the roles of content creators.


I admit I haven't followed news about Psyber-X, because I was never much of a player in shooter games. But it looks like the gameplay has begun for the game if you are interested. They are also posting regular updates, so make sure to follow their Hive account: @psyberx.

They also mention they have "4 more games in the works", one of them, "Psyber-Decks, will be similar to Splinterlands or Warsaken and will be available to play within the next few days most likely", they said in the latest post.

Week in the Cryptocurrency World

I'd say it was a calm week. Bitcoin is trading flat and the biggest news is that grandpa turned 14 at the beginning of the year.

There was some news about SBF, but frankly, I don't bother following them, as I believe this is going to be dragged on until the interest goes down (possibly as we enter the next bull market).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta