
Diversified Content Will Cause Ripple Effects Which Can Turn Into Waves.

avatar of @hitmeasap
3 min read

Lately, we've seen topics about diversified content multiple times, what it is, the importance of it and how it will eventually be part of the reason for new users to stay, become active and contribute. While I agree with the majority of the things that have been mentioned so far, I felt that I also wanted to shed some more light upon the perhaps most important part with diversified content. Curation, or what I would call ripple effects, which could rather easily turn into waves.. - Be ready to set sail!

We need to actively curate diversified content. I'm not talking about curating travel photos on LEOFinance, crypto- and finance is actually a rather broad niche. There is room to play around with those categories. The important part of curating diversified content all around is due to the fact that it will not only reward and therefore motivate an author, it will also cause ripples, as the authors will be more eager to continuously produce content further on due to that support. It will boost the confidence of the authors and it will encourage them.

With the ripple effect, we are likely to see more active users because of that, but we will also see more diversified content due to the results of the previous content. Meaning, the first ripple will turn into multiple ripples. More ripples equals a soon-to-be wave. We want waves, because we're ready to set sail.

  • The tide turns.

What I'm about to talk about is something that not many speak openly about for various reasons. It might be because they want to stay on the "good side" with the "leaders" and the "heavy hitters" in general, but something we need, is to spread the wealth. Far and wide. We've heard that for a very, very long time..

I am totally okay with authors who makes a small fortune for their content on a frequently basis. Many of them have worked their way up and they deserve it. Auto votes or not. However, having a few "heavy hitters" who rake in rewards while the majority of the rest doesn't make much more than just a small fraction of those amounts is not very healthy, or a sustainable model long term. It only widens the gap between rich and poor so to speak, and historically speaking, we know that it turns into despair, anger, frustration and disappointments. This is also why I've always wanted a strong middle class.

With a strong middle class, these "heavy hitters" doesn't have to stand for all the work. The middle class will be able to take on some of that weight, and with ease help out with the overall curation.

Imagine if all the current most rewarded authors would earn just 10% of their current rewards for, let's say 6 months.. And that the remaining 90% of the rewards would go to someone else instead..

I can't say that I believe in punishments, but imagine if we where only allowed to vote once per week for a specific author.. That would change the game entirely.

That being said, I don't recommend that, because I don't believe in punishments, but I do believe in a strong middle class. A strong foundation. I am sure that would slingshot us into the next phase.

How about giving your next two upvotes to someone you never curated before? Or how about giving 10 authors you've rarely supported before a small upvote for their efforts? How about a lesser vote to that author you frequently support today, and the remaining VP from that vote to someone else?

It all starts with each one of us. It starts with you.

  • *Even the smallest stone makes a ripple in the water.

This will not only be healthy for the existing users we have, this will also help us in terms of overall growth. Much due to word of mouth, which I have talked about previously, because each motivated and encouraged user will be far more likely to spread the word about Hive or any of the communities due to the motivation, encouragement, inspiration and possibly life-changing opportunity they have found. We have the tools, but we need to utilize them properly.

We have active, loyal, dedicated and engaged users, and we can easily get more on board. We have room for more, but we, the current users, must pave the way for others. We need to show them where we are, and what we are about. That is how we will bring the masses, keep the users and benefit in the long term.

That is the power of ripple effects.

  • Are you ready to throw the first stone in the water?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta