
Someone can still complain?

avatar of @intellihandling
1 min read

Dear friends

as i promised, the number of cards available to buy with INTEL are increasing, but at the same time i modified the price of some cards which was a bit higher than lower offers, now all cards have the best price available, so people like @onealfa.leo can still complain?

This is not the last thing, as i described in my past post, who will buy at list 200 INTEL will get a free card from BUY page of Dcity and i will send it to the buyer, so this is a great bonus i think.

Who buy INTEL no need to buy cards, there is another option to choice, keeping them till the end of year, the buyer will get 10% profit of total investment and can choice to sell back to us the owned coins and to get it, the minimum amount to Invest are 200 INTEL.

I hope i can get more visibility on my post, so i ask to leofinance users if they know a way to get more visibilty on my post in order to let know more people about my company promo.

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