
"Never in the history of mankind was so much stolen from so many by so few. Opt out with Bitcoin"

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2 min read

Even company Executives at major fiat firms are starting to plug Bitcoin...

The FED Chairman made history yesterday by basically stating that the FED was shifting course from it's duel mandate.

Instead of targeting 2% inflation, they said they are going to instead target 2% average inflation.

That may sound like it's the same thing, but it's slightly different.

According to Powell, the FED is going to allow inflation run hotter than 2% for a significant amount of time if it also stayed under 2% for a significantly amount of time.

Basically assuring markets that they aren't going to stamp out any recoveries by raising interest rates too soon in an economic recovery.

This is exactly what markets want to see, but is not great news for the dollar.

What the FED was really saying...

Most interpreted the news exactly how I mentioned above, but there is also some deeper meanings to what was done as well...

Something that was not missed by Visa Executive Andy Yee, who immediately tweeted the following after the FED's speech:


"Never in the history of mankind was so much stolen from so many by so few"


What he means by that is by the FED allowing inflation to run higher than their previously stated mandate, they in essence allowing the dollar to be debased.

Which means anyone holding dollars is going to be a loser.

While most think of this impacting individuals holding their cash under their mattress or in the local bank, but also think of the massive tech companies, companies like AAPL and FB that are holding hundreds of billions of dollars on their balance sheets.

Perhaps they will follow the path of MicroStrategy and start to move some of that cash into bitcoin...

Interesting times we are in.

Stay informed my friends.


Posted Using LeoFinance