
Call for a new Bretton Woods moment – the dark days just got darker

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6 min read

We know by now that it’s the central bankers who run the world, not the politicians and governments. And with the current global financial collapse looking as if it was deliberately engineered, there seems to be something afoot among the elite right now. They may have tried to cover it up under the guise of a pandemic, using covid as the excuse to crash the economies of almost every nation globally, but there may be more to it than meets the eye.

Right now the IMF is calling for a Great Reset. The last macroeconomic “reset” to affect the globe was Bretton Woods, a meeting that occurred in the place of that name in USA, just after WW2. At this UN conference, 44 Allied nations met to officially regulate the global economy after the world war had ravaged most economies.

The dollar became the global currency, since USA was the least affected by the devastation of the war and thus rose to the top. That notorious economist John Milton Keynes (who designed today’s modern Keynesian economic policy) applauded the single global money standard.

However, it was and is a debt-based fiat monetary standard, and everything that is wrong about our current monetary system began back then at that meeting and global reset of Bretton Woods. A system of central bank money printing is one based on loaning out money. This is what is meant by a “debt-based” system. All money is created to be loaned out, putting people in debt due to the repayment demands of interest on those loans.

And those loans can never be repaid in full, since it requires more money than was created in the first place to pay it back. It is like a giant pyramid scheme. That is what our global financial system is today. We see this in the ever increasing national debt of America, for example, which is just this month over 100% of GDP. In other words, it has just gone beyond the point of no return. It has just crashed and now burns.

What we see now is a gliding wreck, engines gone, free-falling toward destruction. But for now it appears as if the plane is still aloft, gliding silently along on the past momentum, except for the fact that gravity has caught up with it and is now dragging it to an inevitable death, as reality hits like a ton of bricks on contact.

You cannot survive such a systemic collapse. Nevertheless, the IMF want the debt-based system to continue. That is how the central bankers make their pound of flesh, their profit off the blood of the slaves shackled by such debt. The money lenders of Shakespeare’s time are still with us, like Shylock himself in The Merchant Of Venice (for those educated enough to know Shakespeare).

The IMF may make statements about investing in the people, protecting the most vulnerable, giving them access to the internet, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where I live, but that simply means capturing the unbanked in the net of the central bankers.

For some odd reason (perhaps it is their other scare tactic) the focus is said to be on climate change, another fake psyop like the pandemic. Spoiler alert: It’s not anthropogenic or man-made but is a natural cyclic process based on the output of the sun – there, I said it. Now go and research the Grand Solar Minimum.

The IMF want to continue the same old corrupt and rotten criminal system of usury, but now they want to add a climate focus, calling it macro-critical, people- and planet-critical. They want to keep debt, keep low interest rates and loan out ever more amounts of worthless money backed by nothing.

And here comes the CBDC or central bank digital currency – the digital dollar. And no, it’s not like Bitcoin, which is decentralized and empowers the individual to be their own sovereign bank, but is centralized and thus tracked and controlled from the top down. And by giving the poorest access to the internet, you may appear to be empowering them, but you are also able to enslave them into the debt-based banking system where every aspect of their financial life is tracked via the digital fiat currency.

When the Fed comes out with their proposed Fedcoin, and a smart phone digital wallet App, the tracking and tracing of every transaction will be complete and it will be centralized and thus controllable. So if you don’t comply, then your cash will be blocked. If this is not Communism then I don’t know what is.

Unfortunately the people have been so scared into compliance already this year by the pandemic false flag psyop, that they will value safety above freedom and will happily take on the App of enslavement, along with the UBI or free government money. Naturally mass inflation will follow and you will be able to barely survive on the government handout, living a life of poverty for the rest of your youth.

Then all the merchants will add the App, like Starbucks, Uber or any other service provider or goods retailer. The government will know every purchase you make and will be able to manipulate the velocity of money, which has recently slowed to unprecedented levels, all negating the stimulus bailouts. You can spray people with money, but if it mostly goes to the guys near the spray hose – like the bankers – the trickle down is minimal.

And whatever does trickle down is mostly being saved for a rainy day – of which there have been many this year and may be more, which is why people are saving now and not spending. Thus the velocity remains slowed and that dollar simply does not make as many transactions as it used to.

Since centralized power is the ultimate end game of the banks, even if the retail banks themselves actually go bankrupt, the Fed – bank of last resort – will merely consolidate their power as the central authority and only bank left. This will bring a move away from free market capitalism, with its growth based upon goods, manufacturing and services. Rather, social justice (climate issues for example) will dominate the criteria for you getting a loan. In other words, you will comply or your social credit score will go down and you will be disqualified for your UBI.

This move away from Neoliberalism back to Communism will creep in. The move will be away from the old Adam Smith philosophy of a government with little say in the freedom of the people, lower taxes and less regulation, toward a more totalitarian model as envisaged by the World Economic Forum Fuhrer, Herr Klaus Schwab.

The healthy solution though, would actually be more Neoliberalism, which gives the individual more say, in a bottom-up approach with more freedom to choose. However, the elite bankers will use AI, and bring in an Orwellian “Center of Excellence” to determine the ethical use of AI. But who determines what is ethical? Will the AI itself become the new judge?

In this system, the one and only bank left, namely the Fed, will no longer need to make a profit, since they have a monopoly and can now start giving loans based not on profit but rather on whether you behaved ethically according to their standards. This may sound noble, but it is the essence of Communism. Everything will be in the name of justice, according to their standards or that of the AI program.

Private property rights will disappear, as will the natural market signals of capitalism – all in the name of social justice. But when we see how easy it was for Al Gore to swindle us with his “global warming” narrative as an excuse for carbon tax, based on fake statistics and unscientific climate models, then we can see how easy it will be for the elite to fabricate any fake narrative to mold the masses into complying with their version of ethical behavior and social justice.

We will all be controlled by AI, big data and algorithms, all of which will be engineered by the elite central bankers according to their desires for the planet and the masses, not according to our free choice or liberty. And that sort of Communism does not end well (look at USSR and China). Those who are interested can go to Caltech university today and study a new brand or education called “behavioral economics”. Life is changing before our eyes and the new norm will not have the freedoms that we enjoyed just a year ago, at this rate. In fact, this is the end of life as we knew it. Prison Planet has only just begun.

(image pixabay)