
Web 3.0 - The Internet's Future || An Amazing change To Come

3 min read

The world started with no technology discovered, people in the past lived and communicated in the crude way that felt easy for them but not anymore. None imagined that a time will come when Web 3.0 would exist and take over the virtual world today.

Web 3.0 or Web 3 is a very important technology trend that has been on the mouth of so many awaiting it's arrival (Mostly crypto-minded people are aware of this change to come). It is the future of the internet but before we decide on that, how about we know what what this technology is about?

What is Web 3.0 about?

Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok are very popular social media in the Web 2.0 (the present internet before web 3.0 arrives) and we would agree that information stored into these platforms are not under our control but can be controlled by the companies or corporate houses who created them.

One could be banned from a platform if they so fit, your contents creation, info and all are centralised (you don't have much control over them). But this is where Web 3.0 should be an amazing change to come for us all.

Web 3.0 is an amazing concept of the next generation, the future that will allow it's users to have control over their assets (digital) and every content they own online. I don't know how you see this but it is super exciting for me to think that I'll be able to have total control of what I do with my own in the online world.

What's most important with using Web 3.0?


Web 2.0 will not allow you own your contents but Web 3.0 will allow you and even let you monetize your digital assets freely. You get to do anything with your assets in Web 3.0 without taking permission, exercise control and ownership over your own internet. How cool is that?

Blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTS and peer to peer networks are all drivers of the Web 3.0 as they exhibit the aim of the Web 3.0 to allow users do what seem fit for their contents.

If Web 3.0 will be welcomed by users is a bit of a puzzle to be solved by each user. Not all will welcome it or not too soon but a lot will see the way better difference from what they had known and have been using.

Web 3.0 is like a total freedom from what Web 2.0 provides. While we won't just trash out the present Web as it is a gateway to a better Web, we would also not fail to see the Internet's Future we all need.

Metaverse is going to play a crucial role in the future of Web 3.0 as the technology solution. It is a virtual world that would future parallel to the real world (I've always imagined how cool this would be). The transition of Facebook to meta is an highlight for the future to come.

Web 3.0 is the Web of the future that will serve a transform users experiences and the design of the internet (for the better). The transformation will take place but not without challenges, but the people's interest will make a successful transformation.

So for whoever doesn't know about the future's internet, it will be wise to learn more about it and be prepared for the transformation, so many are waiting for it already. It is going to be a whole new future and a better one for us (not without it's own challenges, I'll still say).

We look forward to being in the future of owning what is ours and living our virtual lives without asking for permission in the online world.

What do you think about the web of the future?

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