
How's Your "Crypto-Life Balance"?

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3 min read

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I've been reading a couple of blogs over the last few days on LeoFinance where folks have been talking about how they are feeling the strain of crypto, pulling them deep in to the mire and feeling a little stressed. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way! The charts are exciting to look at in any bull run but things are evolving on a minute by minute basis in crypto and you feel like you're behind even when something launched 5 minutes ago!

This can be dangerous for many reasons but one thing that chart-chasing, FOMO, greed and whatever else emotions you go through on this crypto emotional rollercoaster will lead to is a mental breakdown! I read a great post by @ericvancewalton that struck a few chords with me as he shares his journey from crypto over the last 5 years and if you've been in this space for a year or two, you'll relate to the points made as well. It's also got some great advice to newcomers - well worth a read!

Life Outside Crypto

For me, it was the section titled, "have interests and friends outside of crypto" that really hit home as I've started to feel that life has become a little "crypto heavy" over the last few months. Since the 2,020 km challenge finished, we've gone through a tough winter in the UK with lockdowns and I needed a couple of weeks away from posting and just being offline. Despite that, I was still having a cheeky check on the crypto charts but also trying to meet up outside occasionally with friends who don't have a clue or care about crypto to take away the conversation and my mind to something a little different - it was actually really nice to have a "mental break" from it.

My friends know to ask me for any help about their crypto ventures but I only show the tools they need to get their hands on x, y, z crypto that they ask for. I don't tell them anything more about which coin to buy as this space is all about making your own journey. What's interesting to me, may not be interesting to all. The same applies to everyone. Trying not to get sucked in is a challenge but if you find yourself falling in to the traps of sitting down all day on crypto Twitter or Telegram or other sites without seeing or speaking to anyone else then you may need to address that crypto-life balance.

Looking After No. 1

For me, I'm getting back in to habits of getting outside now the evenings are brighter in the UK, going for walks just to change the scenery, about 30 minutes to an hour, longer at weekends and I'm looking to get back in to running. It's been a while since I did a 5km run so might be good to burn the crypto oil! I'm also getting in to the habit of scheduling posts a few days in advance which really helps free up a bit of time to research and organise time outside of writing.

These little changes are already having an impact for me and it's bringing a bit of "sanity" to an otherwise insane period of time in this crazy bull run we've all experienced! Last year, having a digital detox for 2 weeks was also a great thing to do - sometimes needs must!

So how is your crypto-life balance looking? Are you constantly checking every crypto app out there all day or do you have some strategies to help provide some balance in your life? Let me know in the comments below!

Take care of yourselves!


Originally posted here