
Signs of a Prospective Rich Person

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2 min read

I was having a chat with an entrepreneur who shared with me that wealth is a product of two things, mental and physical. He explained that the only reason people are rich is because the decided to be mentally and then physically. In this post I will be talking about the signs to make you know a person has the tendency to be rich


Rich Vision

When I mean rich vision, I do not mean money vision rather I mean problem solving vision. You can only make a difference in life if you aim to solve problems. It is said that successful people are supposed to dream big. Dreaming big doesn’t mean starting big but rather knowing where you are aiming at and working towards it.

Not a Quitter

Quitters are losers but it isn’t easy to pull strong during a down time. A lot of people give up on their ambition, career, and goals to pick a simpler and easier one. You need to be able to persevere and work hard to get to the finish line even though it may look difficult.

Risk takers

There is a difference between calculated risk and careless risks. As a successful person, the ability to take risk is what determines success. A lot of people remain at the same spot because they enjoy the securities. Business owners and investors are risk takers and they do this every day.

Ever Learning

No matter the career a person picks, the ability to keep leaning and gaining knowledge is an edge and with that a person will keep growing. Learning does not have to be at the four walls of a school, it just have to increase and this gives an edge as the world keep growing.


In other to be rich, it takes investment which could be in form of time, energy, money, and other resources. The ability to invest means that one can make additional income as one invest.

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