
What if you're broke?

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4 min read

There may be times in your life when you are unsure of how you will pay your bills. The quantity of money required to pay the bills can occasionally be greater than the amount of money available.

It doesn't take a very huge unforeseen bill or a very large loss in income for "broke" to become more than just a catchphrase, as the majority of Americans have little or no savings. A sudden expense or a loss of income might quickly leave you in a situation where you are simply out of money when there is no buffer.

Most people are aware that they should have an emergency fund, and those who don't usually have plans to do so in the future. The majority of those who struggle to make ends meet would prefer to have some extra money, but they don't appear to be able to. These aren't your top priorities if you're broke. These are little more than nebulous ideas when you're poor. Nobody who has spent the last few years surviving paycheck to paycheck and handling numerous emergencies without money believes that this is the ideal way to live.

If you're in it, there don't appear to be any alternatives. All too frequently, the next step is a downturn for the worse.

So what can you do if you're broke?


Evaluate your circumstances

The first step in making any decision is to evaluate your circumstances. To be sure that the solution you're creating is practical, you need a solid basis. You'll need to know just how much money, if any, you do have on hand. You'll need a list of all your bills, along with the amounts owing on each one, including any past-due balances.

You'll need to make a list of your recurring costs, such as food and other things you might pay for on the fly. You must prioritize after going over your lists. Determine what is most important and what follows after that if you can't pay everything at once.

You may need to make some or significant cuts, depending on how much room there is between income and expenses. Cuts can always be made. Sacrifices must be made, even if just a small amount, when there are more outflows than inflows. It might have to leave if it isn't necessary for your continued health and survival.

Make that call

You must get in touch with the person or company you owe money to if you are unable to pay a bill. Some issues, like federal student loans, will be simple. There are guidelines; either you qualify for assistance or you don't. If you don't have any money and make very little or no money, you probably can find some assistance.

Someone having a history of on-time payments will find that many lenders are extremely ready to work with them. When it comes to someone with a poor payment history, they could be less accommodating.

You can't go wrong by giving them a call and explaining your situation, your struggles, and your strategy.

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Ask for help

Truly decent individuals do experience bad things. Numerous initiatives exist to assist those in need- state and municipal initiatives, and there are federal programs. There are other charitable organizations whose sole aim is to assist individuals in need.

It will depend on your circumstances and to some extent on where you reside whether you qualify for any state, local, or nonprofit assistance with food, housing, or other sorts of aid.

Asking might not guarantee that you get all the assistance you need, but not asking ensures that you won't.

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Sell stuff

Selling items is an easy way to make a little money. That is its main draw. The fact that you no longer possess the item you sold is a drawback. Starting with items you don't use or need is a terrific idea, of course. But the potential of this plan is limited. There are only so much of your possessions you can sell and how much money you can make doing so. It is a temporary fix, but it does assist in a hurry.

Get a second job

The longer-term and better solution to being broke is to get a job or a second job.

Having a second job is unpopular for certain people. It isn't need to last forever. If your financial condition is dire, you should take immediate action.

Quick Meme

After the adversity...

The inability to pay debts frequently results from a series of events. To look backward is not to criticize yourself. It is to provide an honest evaluation of what took place and how you arrived here. If you wish to never return to this place, doing this is crucial and required.

After the worst of our adversity has passed, we can more clearly see what needs to change. Perhaps we need to come up with a long-term plan for raising our income. We might need to come up with a long-term plan to cut back on significant costs like rent or transportation. maybe a little of each.

Last note...

It does occur for someone to be broke. This incident is by no means exceptional. It serves as a wake-up call for some people to start making preparations to take back control of their financial situations and prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. Or at least to lessen the likelihood that it will occur again.

Debt is a reality.

You don't have to stay poor.

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Best Regards,


I am not a financial adviser. This article is not meant to be financial advice. My articles on cryptos and precious metals share my personal opinion, experiences, and general information on cryptos and precious metals.

All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone, unless specified.

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