
Cryptocurrency Racing Ahead

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5 min read

This is no longer on the fringes. There is a race, similar to the Gold Rush in the United States in the 1800s. Some are really starting to see the potential. Those who do get involved are going to find they are ahead of the curve, leading the charge into constructing the future.

When you think about it, the future is not something that "just happens". We all help to create it. This is done with our intentions, actions, and focus. Those who are building in the cryptocurrency world are doing their part to move this entire realm forward.

Cryptocurrency is on everyone's mind it seems. We are seeing headlines with bigger names involved, at a greater frequency than we could have imagined 2 or 3 years ago.

This is telling us where things are heading. Collectively, many are choosing to construct something completely different from what went before.

Politicians Embracing Cryptocurrency

We know this is a huge hurdle to overcome. The fact that governments are in the way does not make this path any easier. Sadly, we are dealing with, for the most part, generational gaps. Politicians tend to be older whereas technology is a young person's game. For this reason, the former is looking to ensure the power remains under their control.

This is what we see with regulations. They are looking to apply decades old laws to this entirely new realm. Fortunately, whatever they do to resist will ultimately cause their demise. We saw it too many times before with technology.

There are a few who "see the light". We have a handful of politicians who are ahead of the curve jumping on the bandwagon.

Mayor Suarez of Miami is the leading political figure in the United States when it comes to cryptocurrency. He is not only discussing it, he is actually doing something about it. This is led to the development of MiamiCoin.

It is being followed up by the soon-to-be Mayor Adams in New York City. We chronicled how there is going to be a NYCCoin.

This helps to bring about a great deal of attention. If cities are involved, the FUD is much harder to spread. Here we see an opening which we can drive a truck through. The ability to onboard more people, or at least to get them to listen, is greatly enhanced.

Now we are witnessing more activity from around the world. One of the headlines was how Russia is looking to legalize its crypto-mining operations.

At the same time, we have a candidate for Korean President going all in on cryptocurrency.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, a major contender for the upcoming presidential election is going all out on crypto.

Among ruling Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung suggestions is a policy to distribute real estate profits to every Korean citizen equally using cryptocurrencies.


Whatever the proposals, the biggest benefit is they are being made.

Governments Supporting Their Own Downfall

Cryptocurrency was never designed to require permission from governments or any other central entity. That was the magic in its development. Yet, those from the established system think it is just another day.

There are a number of articles on here detailing how the Nation-State is likely going to dissolve throughout the rest of this century. Not all of it is due to cryptocurrency, although that does not help their cause. We are seeing a massive shift to digitization. This will completely alter everything.

It would be smart for governments (and politicians) to embrace cryptocurrency. They might as well be a part of the action. However, this will not change the eventual outcome.

No longer will people need their governance. Cryptocurrency is working on their own models. At the same time, as people are offered more choices, especially when Decentralized Network States evolve, the present system will find itself in competition with these ecosystems. In other words, people are going to choose what environment they choose to operate under.

We are going to see the globalization of real estate. This will occur over the next few decades. What will it do? In short, flood the globe with cheap real estate, just like the globalization of manufacturing flooded the world with cheap goods. This will be covered in an upcoming article.

In the meantime, cryptocurrency is allowing for many different possibilities. This is more than just a new financial system. What we are constructing is the foundation for an entirely new society, with completely new rules of how things operate. The controlling Nation-State idea is rapidly approaching its expiration date.

Exponential Growth

Here we have a situation where people are learning what exponential growth truly feels like. This is something that most did not pay attention to in the past. Yet, when we look at the result with a product such as the smartphone, we see exactly how quickly things can unfold.

Cryptocurrency is growing at an exponential rate. The number of people and institutions involved at every level is growing rapidly. It is hard to pinpoint the rate. We can, however, give it the eyeball test. There is little doubt we are seeing a lot more publicity tied to cryptocurrency.

At the same time, we know the development is also taking place at an accelerating pace. With more tools being developed, we have a spreading of the infrastructure. This enables other developers to come in behind and build on top of that.

It is a situation that just keeps repeating.

The difference with this endeavor is that it is a global movement that will penetrate almost every aspect of life. Over the next half decade, people are going to see how this is the foundation for what comes over the next couple decades.

It is an idea that cannot be stopped. This is no longer a fringe movement led by a bunch of computer savvy anarchists. Instead, we see an industry that is worth trillions of dollars and growing exponentially.

A few are trying to track the growth to provide some concrete data. This truly is not possible. It is spreading to too many corners of the world and input is coming from so many directions. Whatever metric is used, it will shortchange what is really taking place.

We are nearing the end of 2021. The power of exponential growth is that it only accelerates. By the start of 2024, we likely will have a degree of mainstream adoption. That is how quickly this is spreading. Do not be surprised if, by that time, we have more than 1.5 billion people involved in cryptocurrency in some form.

The race is on and cryptocurrency has a very powerful engine under the hood.

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