
Around $4 HBD per month in passive income? (2022.12.14)

avatar of @xplosive
2 min read

Looks like I indeed stepped on the road to get out of poverty. Today morning I checked my Hive wallet on PeakD, and I am happy to see that it says that the estimated interest since the last payment (14 days ago) is $2 HBD. So probably this will be around $4 HBD for the current month (2022 December). We will see. I currently have $278.39 HBD in savings. I keep building it (regularly transferring HBD to savings). Soon I will have $300 HBD in savings.

Some investors are saying that this is hard to start, but once it starts rolling, then there will be a snowball effect, and that the snowball effect is very powerful.

Probably they mean the compound interest (the interest of the interest). And I already experienced that in the past. Once I had around $1500 HBD in savings, and I received more than $20 HBD interest per month in that time. But I had to withdraw and sell that. Nowadays I am building it again, and hopefully I will not need to withdraw it this time. Hopefully I can build this in long term.

It is hard to get out of poverty (especially, if you live with multiple disabilities), but I keep focusing on getting out of poverty. After I get out of poverty, I will build a good enough passive income to financially be able to buy and maintain/repair a sailboat. I would like to have a sailboat to live on it.

I think that both of these goals are possible to achieve with the help of the Hive blockchain community. The people are kind and generous, and there are many inspiring/motivating people. Some people make a living with the Hive blockchain. And they are very inspiring/motivating.

I keep being consistently active on the Hive blockchain. I already see that being commited, persistent and consistent is rewarding.

Hopefully I will achieve the above mentioned goals, and that I will also inspire/motivate other people too. Actually maybe I already inspire/motivate other people. Seeing the progress itself is inspiring/motivating.

Thank you so much for any support/help to everyone. I am very grateful for the community of the Hive blockchain.

Let us go for the snowball effect.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.