
Where are the Votes (SP) going?

avatar of @abh12345
2 min read

I've been playing with some SQL script for the past couple of hours, trying to find out who's been collecting the voting SP over the past 7 days.

The lists below come with a major caveat in that the right column on each list assumes that every vote cast was cast when the voter was at 100% voting power. Obviously that is unlikely to be the case, but it should serve as a reasonable figure to order by.

Also, downvotes have not been knocked off the totals.

I have the full lists in Excel for anyone who is interested. They didn't present to well in markup and that is the reason for the images.

So that's the top 100 'voter to author'. As you would probably expect, burnpost makes plenty of appearances from the larger accounts, but there are a couple of interesting names being supported often by some large accounts.

The next chart is the complete list, pivoted by author and ordered by total SP voted on their content over the past 7 days. Again, the total VP assumes that each vote was made when the voters VP was at 100%.

This should pretty much match up with the top 7 day earners.

@burnpost, the STEEM sink, has almost 4 times the total of the 2nd account in the list.

Three of my favourite authors are in that list.

And the rest is up to you to analyse :)



select as voter, (a.vesting_shares-delegated_vesting_shares+received_vesting_shares)<em>509.421/1000000 as sp, 
,count( as votes, sum(v.weight) as weight, CONVERT(DECIMAL(16,2), sum((v.weight)+0.0)/10000) as 'same as 100% votes',  
((a.vesting_shares-delegated_vesting_shares+received_vesting_shares)</em>509.421/1000000)<em>sum(v.weight)/10000 as total_SP_voted_with 
from txvotes v 
inner join accounts a on v.voter = 
where v.weight > 0 
and v.timestamp > getdate()-7 -- number of days to scan 
group by, (a.vesting_shares-delegated_vesting_shares+received_vesting_shares)</em>509.421/1000000,  v.weight, 
((a.vesting_shares-delegated_vesting_shares+received_vesting_shares)<em>509.421/1000000)</em>sum(v.weight)/10000 > 200000 -- 200,000 or more in SP 
 order by ((a.vesting_shares-delegated_vesting_shares+received_vesting_shares)<em>509.421/1000000)</em>sum(v.weight)/10000 desc