
Pataphysics: "The Art to split a shit into multiple microshits"

avatar of @por500bolos
3 min read


Episode II - Chapter II - (01/13/2020)

(With the sponsorship of the UDP)

"Universal Defensive Pessimism"

A major branch of Pataphysics for a current ongoing Century XXI trend mindset. A fundamental notion which comes with the inbuilt concept of deserving intimately tied to the reward and punishment frame of looking at the world as it is. Abundance, Inequality, Needs and Privileges.


"The Language of Rights and the Language of Needs"

«-Centzontototl (Mimus Polyglottos) Northern Mockingbird-»

When we talk about rights, for example, there is an implication that having a right gives us a claim on something. Which puts us in a position of being able to say, to someone, that we “deserve” to have what is our right.

Having a right means we can make demands. Whoever would then deny us our rights can be prosecuted by law, morally shunned, or fought against. Individually or collectively.

How do I attend, effectively, to the desire in me to be of support to the countless people whose needs are repeatedly and systematically not met in our world?

How do I associate with the many, many people who share their desires and whose frame for making sense of their plight is that of human rights and also whose language for speaking about it is the language of social justice?

How do I remain true to my deepest visions without severing the ties of belonging to a community of humans for whom this current frame of reference is familiar and powerful?

"Fairness and Equality"

And here expressly comes the first inescapable challenge with the notions of fairness and equality. Because fairness like rights, inevitably appeals to a standard that is always outside the person invoking it.

Equality is not always Justice.

In other words.

Because treating people fairly often means treating them differently since we are not equal.


  • What would it mean to be treated equally?
  • Would a needs-based society find different paths from what we know?
  • Would equality come to mean holding everyone’s needs with equal care?
  • When do some people’s needs weigh more than others?

How many of us would be ready to part ways with the idea that someone who went to school for many years and now has a proper license to start practicing medicine means that they would now can receive substantially more money than someone whose work is cleaning houses?

When someone says that anyone who doesn’t work hard doesn’t deserve to have financial support... I can relate to some needs of which I imagine the person is speaking from. I, me too, want people who receive support from others to do what they can to take care of themselves.

I, too, want everyone to be motivated to contribute as much as they can to the larger whole. The difficulty is that while I might be connected to those needs, I wouldn’t choose to express myself in that way like many others around here with deep pockets and no needs whatsoever, nor do I'd have these kind of thoughts next either.

We've already had PoW - PoS - dPoS and supposedly PoB experiments running throughout the Steem blockchain. Then, what else is left yet to try? Uhm... erm... I dunno... ¿Is gonna be this all only about PoP now?

"Proof of Popularity"

*Yeah! "I think this 2020 I'm gonna make a handful of people believe I'm normal before blindsiding them with my actual charming personality"

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