
Bustin' cherries

avatar of @tarazkp
3 min read

There are two cherry trees in our new garden and we wanted to get a heads up on what colour blossoms they had, so we snipped some twigs and places them in separate vases of water. Both are white - I was hoping for a pink one, as pink are much rarer here and are very pretty.

I am not much of a gardener, but I like the idea that my family are going to be here a while and things are going to grow and change over time. My hope is that we will have this house forever, but with the state of the world and where I see it going, that might be a very big ask.

I like to think of myself as someone who plans into the future, thinks long - which is why I am investing into crypto with none coming out as it just hasn't been long enough for it to find its footing yet, let alone rise to its potential. I am still unsure what that potential may be, as the ceiling is so incredibly high that it is impossible to predict, especially if mainstream uptake moves rapidly, which it could, especially if the current economic conditions continue.

Currently, government actions are borrowing very heavily against the future in order to "protect" people today, many of which would likely not last out the decade anyway. I know that sounds terrible, but I am still unsure if the benefits of actions now are worth the likely economic suffering for possibly generations to come. The kinds of numbers that are getting printed are not going to disappear, especially since prior to this, the numbers were already bad - with many countries still unable to recover from the last crisis, 12 years ago.

But as i see it, long-term investment will on average outperform short-range as the curve is much smoother and there is less chance for rash decisions and impatient losses. Buy and hold something that has an expected future use case and value higher than it costs today - and I believe that crypto is one of those things as people will eventually start to move their wealth into the industry to have more granular control and avoid the mismanagement of their funds by those who are more intent on gaining power, than improvement.

Perhaps it is a pipe dream of mine that will never come to fruition, but the investment alternatives available at my level of disposable income don't look very attractive either. At least in crypto, I don't feel like I am at the complete mercy of others and have no control over where, what and how I move. It is interesting at how quickly people accepted being locked in their homes, the loss of employment and the economy destroyed - because they fear for their health. I think that the economic future is going to cause a great deal more health issues than Covid-19 - but people don't look long-term - they want to feel secure today - no matter the cost to tomorrow.

Cut at the stem with no vase of water.

Taraz [ Gen1: Hive ]