
Flying Hive and the growing impatience

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4 min read

Hive has got off to a bit of a flyer so far, hasn't it? While it is early days, a lot of people believed that a fork would struggle, yet so far it is running more smoothly than expected and I am hoping that there will be continued development that makes it easier to engage on the platform, a key component for the future of the social side of the platform.

There is more to Hive than the social side though and I am glad that there were a couple of immediate listings secured. I have been trading a fraction at Ionomy so as to give at least some volume there, but only a fraction, as I am looking to increase my stake here early. I used to really worry about taking anything off platform, but at this early stage, I think there also needs to be more trading happening and, I hope the smaller accounts are looking to increase their stake as early as they can, if they want to go long.

In some ways, the pandemic sweeping the globe is an opportunity to spend some time developing and engaging on Hive, as well as potentially saving some additional income as a lot of people are forced to cut back on extras like takeaway food and toilet paper. Some may see this as an investment opportunity that doesn't arrive often in the space of a lifetime, many will of course not invest at all - because most don't.

It is okay not to invest and okay not to work, but there are consequences for behavior and while it might seem more fun to YOLO and spend now or scrape by on an income of grants, the older one gets, the less fun and harder that becomes. I am kicking myself for not putting effort into not only learning about the economy, but actually investing into my future. It is strange to be 40+ and still having to think about a lack of money for essentials.

But, it is okay to be a late bloomer also, as long as it isn't so late that there is nothing that can be done. I don't think I am too late yet, but it is going to be cutting it pretty close - 25 years isn't that far away, considering how fast the last 25 went.

A lot of young people feel that they can change the world, but the sad fact of it is, one has to have a lot of support in order to do so and in general, that is going to come from old people who invested early and under good enough conditions that they have the capability to put money in. One of the problems with the young these days is that they are looking to get out faster than the length it takes for an investment to mature, so instead, they never invest.

I was once told by an early 20-something that youth are only in it for the immediate return, the feeling in the now. I understand this well enough, but that feeling isn't going to be great when two decades later, one has to scrimp and scrape in order to get basics - let alone splurge. Yet people do splurge, on credit.

I remember when if you wanted something that was outside of the immediate means, lay-buy was the only way to get it, where the item was put aside and you had to pay a little off each week until it was paid out before getting it. This is actually a good thing as making an impulse decision was immediately rewarded with the dopamine hit of having something new, so it made a person think if it was really worth waiting for.

These days, we don't have to wait for anything, as everything is on demand and the speed of delivery for just about all facets of life is near instant for so many of us. There is always availability, there is always a credit option. I think that one of the reasons some people are so frustrated by the conditions created by Covid-19, is that we are so impatient and haven't had to do without for so many things.

With everything on demand and always a shop open, there has been no reason to store anything, no need to think too far ahead about what to eat next week. Even hard drive space in computers that was getting increasingly large has stopped growing, as many programs are cloud based and no one need download torrent movies anymore, as people use Netflix and chill instead. Pretty much, most of the hard drive space these days is used for photos, predominantly selfies - and even they are backed up to a cloud storage.

Impatience is an investment strategy killer and because there are so many suffering from it, those who do posses some modicum of patience have additional benefits as there are fewer in the game - a war of attrition where the resource is attention and many have theirs drawn away much too early to benefit.

I have been in crypto for a little over three years only, but I am in a better position now for having taken part, as I have invested myself into learning, earning and developing my portfolio. It isn't a great amount, but it is more than I would have had if I had spent the time trying to save on my income alone.

What do you think the average is among users, are people better or worse off for having spent their time in crypto, what percentage have improved, degraded or kept their life static by being in the cryptosphere? For those who feel that their life is not better for being part of all this, why stay?

Hive is another opportunity for many people to invest themselves financially, but also learn about and potentially create an employable skillset in an up and coming industry. A flying start ahead of the masses in more ways than one. There are many ways to approach investment here, but it takes time and not everyone will spend what they have.

Taraz [ Gen1: Hive ]