

avatar of @ojerinde
2 min read

I am definitely not an advocate for laziness, but I am also not an advocate for a terrible hard work without caring for our health. At some point, we have heard stories of highly successful people who committed suicide and we might have wondered what could have been their reason when they always appeared to be happy and fulfilled on social media, they drove good looking cars, they could afford any cloth they wanted and they just committed suicide just like that and after a week they were replaced by the company they worked so hard for or someone else takes over their business and completely ruins everything they had worked hard for.


The struggle to become financially independent sometimes gets into our head that we fail to look for other things to do asides work and work, but I am writing this post to tell you today that your life is far more valuable than work. Every energy and resource that you put into your job must be backed up with a decision to stay alive and that is by highly considering your health.

Do you know that some people work every single day without taking a break because they have the intention to rest only when they retire, some people even tell you that the only time they have to rest is when they are dead (that sounds crazy), so they work every day, every hour, every minute believing that at a certain age they will get the time to rest but the sad part is that they often do not get to that age before they actually pass on. It is true that the legacy that we make while we are alive often creates a better history but it is also important for us not to overwork ourselves to death.


Life may be hard and sometimes require extra stress but we need to mix work and happiness together in order to get a heathy result. As you work hard, create time to work with friends and families, create time to do things that make you happy, create time to love and to be loved.

Above all, know where to draw the line with every step you take, know how to work and smile, know how to play and get serious, know how to take a short break from work and send a message to your loved ones, know how to say no to every job that takes your happiness away from you but also know where to draw the line between hard work and complete laziness.